- three main trends of thoughts 三大思潮
- The third part analyses the three main trends of thought, such as mechanical philosophy, logical positivism and postmodernism and they how to affect the relations of science and religion. 文章第三部分具体分析了自十九世纪以来主要的三大思潮,即机械论哲学、逻辑实证主义、后现代主义对科学与宗教关系的影响。
- On the Evolution of Main Trend of Thoughts in Novels for Twenty Years 论二十年来小说主流思潮的演进
- Rationalism is the main trend of traditional Western philosophy. 摘要理性主义是西方哲学的主流。
- Three main trends are shown to coexist within RBT: the resource-based view, the knowledge-based view, and the relational view. 我们发现了与资源依附论共存的三个主要趋势:资源依附视角。知识依附视角和关系视角。
- And now the development of telecom assumes three main trends: the global annexation and reorganization, the full service operation and the blurring of industrial bounds by fusion. 而今电信业的发展又呈现出了全球性的兼并重组、全业务经营、融合使得行业界限越来越模糊等三大趋势。
- Einstein" s relativity, Freudism and Marxism, which are called the three main trends in modern western, made a great impact on the whole Popper" s philosophy system. 被称为现代西方三大思潮的爱因斯坦相对论、弗洛伊德主义和马克思主义对波普尔整个哲学体系的形成产生了重大影响。
- Metaphysics and Buddhism are trend of thoughts over 800 years. 魏晋、隋唐近八百年间,玄学、佛学思潮占据主流,儒家的天人合一之学旁落。
- Western liberalism, money worship, gastronomy, individualism and utilitarianism are the main trend of social thoughts which have greatly impacted current university students. 西方自由主义、拜金主义、享乐主义、个人主义、功利主义等是影响当代大学生思想的主要社会思潮。
- Zeitgeist is the dominant ideology of a historical era, reflecting the main trend of social, philosophical, and scientific thoughts of that period in time. 时代精神是一个历史时期的社会、哲学和科学发展的总体思潮,即一个时代的意识形态。它影响着一个时期的学术思想倾向。在心理学的发展史中,时代精神的影响是明显的。
- Individuality and prospect will be the main trend of Chinese langue education. 个性和前瞻性将是语文教育的走向。
- A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind. 无数想法划过她的心头。
- Wide-band is the main trends of development of power amplifier, which is key component of broadband RF front end. 摘要功率放大器是射频前端中的关键部件,宽带是目前功率放大器的主要发展趋势。
- The progress in study on the binder and debinding in powderinjection molding(PIM)is reviewed.The three main debinding methods in industries and development trend of debinding in PIM. are discussed. 综述了粉末注射成形中粘结剂配方及其脱脂技术研究进展,并比较了现行工业上常用的三大脱脂方法,讨论了粉末注射成形脱脂工艺的发展趋势。
- Since the trend of thoughts about postmodern entered scientific circles, the controversy about modem science and postmodern science has never stopped. 摘要自后现代思潮染指科学界以后,有关“现代性科学”和“后现代科学”的争论从未间断过。
- The progress in study on the binder and debinding in powder injection molding (FIM)is reviewed.The three main debinding methods in industries and development trend of debinding in PIM. are discussed. 综述了粉末注射成形中粘结剂配方及其脱脂技术研究进展,并比较了现行工业上常用的三大脱脂方法,讨论了粉末注射成形脱脂工艺的发展趋势。
- One of the main trends of lily breeding is to realize introgression between these groups. 实现它们之间的种质渗入是百合育种的主要方向之一 。
- This article has discussed the causes of aesthetic ideas of western garments from western ancient philosophy,artic culture trend of thoughts and scientific technology. 从西方古代哲学观、艺术文化思潮、科学技术三方面阐述了西方服饰审美思想的成因。
- Transcendentalism is a trend of thoughts which made an early thinking particularly towards the swiftly developing materialism in American thinking and cultural field. 超验主义是美国思想文化界较早对迅速发展的物质主义作出独特思考的一种思潮。
- There are three main types of contract(s). 有三种主要的合同。