- The Three Great Virtues of a Programmer: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris. 程序员的三大美德:傲慢、急躁,以及懒惰。
- The girl has the great virtues of humility and kindness. 这姑娘具有谦恭和善良两大美德。
- three great virtues 三达德
- The great virtue of air travel is speed. 乘飞机旅行的最大优点是速度快。
- Three Great Eyes on Kepler's Supernova Remnant. 开普勒超新星遗迹中的大三眼。
- They were at war with three great countries. 他们同3个大国在作战。
- He gave me, accordingly, three great puffy rolls. 于是他给我胖胖的三大卷。
- He wolfed down three great bowls of rice. 他狼吞虎咽吃了三大碗饭。
- Work spares us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need. 工作使我们脱离三大弊病:厌烦、不道德与困窘。
- Work Banishes those three great evils; Boredom,vice and poverty. 工作撵跑三个恶鬼:无聊、堕落和贫穷。
- Work banishes those three great evils: borederm, vice, poverty. 工作能赶走三种罪恶:无聊,堕落,贫穷。
- They are considered as disciples of the Buddha, who have cultivated great virtues to attain sainthood or Arahantahood. 他(她)们应该是已发展道德、修持成就圣果或阿罗汉果的佛弟子。
- Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice and poverty. 工作撵走三个魔鬼:无聊、堕落和贫穷。
- Men who do not forgive women their little faults will never enjoy their great virtues. 男人如果不能原谅女人的小小过错,就永远不能欣赏女人的伟大美德。
- Work banishes those three great evills,boredom vice and poverty. 工作可以从我们的生活中赶走三种罪恶:无聊;堕落和贫穷.
- It teaches great virtues of human beings in an entertaining way, without being preachy. 它教人伟大的美德用一个有趣的方式,不用是喜欢说教的。
- Work keeps us from three great evils : boredom, vice, and need. 工作使人类免除了三大流弊:生活乏味,胡作非为,一贫如洗。
- Great virtue carries fortune with it. 我的厚德载福
- Work keeps us from three great evils, boredom, vice and poverty. 工作可使我们免于三大恶:无聊、为非作歹、以及贫穷。
- Thrift is nota great virtue,also a great revenue. 节俭不仅是一大美德,而且是一大财源。