- The lake was divided into three areas by the buoys. 湖面浮标分为三个区域。
- All three areas are most likely to be found in the suburb. 现有的三个地区都是在城市郊区建立起来的。
- The Government of Canada will act quickly in three areas. 新政府将在三个领域采取迅速的行动
- The researchers tested142 farms across three areas of eastern Uganda. 研究者们在乌干达东部对142块农田进行了试验。
- Artificial Life received a high rating from our reviewers in all three areas. Artificial Life在三个地区的评委中得到了很高的级别。
- Hong Kong has three areas : Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and New Territories. 香港可以划为三部分:香港岛、九龙和新界。
- The Treasury is focusing on three areas to help people with low incomes. 为了帮助低收入群体,财政部将重点放在三个领域里。
- Locations: The venue distribution can be described as'one center plus three areas'. 布局方案: 比赛地点呈‘一个主中心加三个区域"的分布格局。’
- Traditionally, philosophy has been partitioned into three areas: epistemology, metaphysics, and value theory. 哲学在传统上分为三个领域:认识论、形而上学和价值理论。
- Outlined below are three areas which are important in getting the employees off on the right foot. 下面纲要有三个方面,这些对新进员工踏出正确的步调是很重要的。
- Data for charts in Reporting Services is organized into three areas: values, category groups, and series groups. Reporting Services中的图表数据分为三个区域:值、类别组和序列组。
- RBS has signed exclusive tie-ups with BoC in three areas: credit cards, wealth management and corporate markets. 苏格兰皇家银行已经在三个领域与中行签定了独家合作协议:信用卡、财富管理和企业市场。
- Locations: The venue distribution can be described as "one center plus three areas". ??布局方案:呈"一个主中心加三个区域"的分布格局。
- The in-game menus are now much simpler to navigate, and players can jump between the three areas with ease. 现在游戏中的菜单更容易操控了,而且玩家可以从容的在这三个区域之间跳转。
- Besides Changning, Huangpu and the Yang Pu three areas, other region knockdown price presented the rise. 除长宁、黄浦和杨浦三区外,其他区域成交价格均出现上涨。
- We need more work in all these three areas, even though they are all progressing very encouragingly. 在所有这三个领域里,我们都需要努力工作,即使它们全都非常鼓舞人心地进展着。
- Three areas in the processing of finished batches of BPCs should be examined carefully and critically. 最后原料药的处理中的三个区域应仔细并关键检查。
- Contrast enhancement was substantially een across all three areas of interest, Wilke said. 造影增强大体上正好可以到达三个需要注意的部位,Wilke说。
- Zu's major achievements in mathematics, astronomy, calendar, and machinery manufacturing three areas. 祖冲之的主要成就在数学、天文历法和机械制造三个领域。
- While the hormone affects three areas of the brain, it hits the mesolimbic reward region particularly powerfully. 虽然这种荷尔蒙影响到大脑的区域有三个,但是受影响最大的是边缘奖励区。