- a multi-lateral cooperative threat reduction program 通过多边合作减少威胁的计划
- Cooperative Threat Reduction Programs “合作降低威胁”项目
- threat reduction program 减少威胁计划
- The stigma of failure is attached to a cost reduction program. 降低成本的计划有了失败的痕迹。
- We dealt with the peripheral aspects of a cost reduction program. 我们谈到了降低成本计划的一些外围问题。
- Once a cost reduction program loses momentum, it eventually dies out. 一旦降低成本计划失去了活力,它最终就会消声匿迹。
- The position of the most reduction program manager is usually not easy to fill. 管理成本降低计划的这一领导岗位,通常是不容易胜任的。
- The Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) attempted to predict the results of various hypothetical scenarios involving the use of HANEs against LEO satellites in 2001. 美国五角大厦的防恐怖威胁署(DTRA)于2001年尝试预测高空核爆影响低轨道卫星所造成的各种假设状况,结果相当令人震惊。
- A cost reduction program can be regarded as a continuous campaign to solicit change. 可以把降低成本规划看作是引发改革的一个不断继续的运动。
- Los Alamos National Laboratory: big role in development of safeguards technology, international programs around the world. See Human Resources for the "Threat Reduction" directorate. 国家实验室:在发展安全管制科技、国际间的合作计划方面扮演重要角色。见"降低国安威胁"理事会的人力资源部份。
- Congress gave money to the states for development of air pollution reduction program. 国会拔款用来实施减少大气污染的规划。
- Cost reduction programs are often triggered by a drop in profits. 提出降低成本计划,往往是由利润下降引起的。
- To develop the existing customer, introduction of new project, cost reduction program and product change. 对现有客户进行开发,介绍新的项目,降低成本及产品交换。
- GRP have announced their Worldwide GRP price reduction program, to be launched officially this month. 玻璃钢已经宣布其全球玻璃钢降价计划,将在本月正式推出。
- Ketosis reduces fat indiscriminately, and so do many cost reduction programmes. 酮这东西是不分青红皂白什么脂肪都减的,很多节支项目也是一样。
- Cooperative Threat Reduction Programme 合作威胁削减方案
- Appropriate reprocessing procedures are available and an adequate post reprocessing audit is performed. An effective reprocessing and scrap reduction program is in place. 有适当的再加工程序,和合适的加工监控。
- The Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) is part of the US Geological Survey (USGS), and is also part of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP). “地震危害计划”隶属于美国地质调查局,也是美国“国家震害减轻计划”的组成部分。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。
- The railway is under threat of closure. 那条铁路有停止运营的迹象。