- In these situations, we consider the thread context to be nonarbitrary. 在这些情况下,我们认为这线程关联是非武断的。
- We say that we're running in arbitrary thread context if we don't know for sure to which process the current user-mode address context belongs. 我们说,如果我们不能确实的知道当前的用户模式地址关联属于哪个进程,我们正在运行一个武断的线程关联。
- It's generally unlikely that a WDM driver will execute in the same thread context as the initiator of the I/O requests it handles. 通常,一个WDM驱动将执行在一个相同的线程关联,如同它处理的I/O请求的发起者一样,(这种情况)是不可能的。
- In fact, if some driver outside your own stack sends you an IRP, you have to assume that the thread context is arbitrary. 事实上,如果在你自己的堆栈之外的某些驱动发送给你一个IRP,你必须假定这个线程关联是武断的。
- This causes the SetText method to be called on the thread that created the TextBox control, and in this thread context the Text property is set directly. 这使得SetText方法被创建TextBox控件的线程调用,而且在此线程上下文中将直接设置Text属性。
- Each thread maintains exception handlers, a scheduling priority, and a set of structures the system uses to save the thread context until it is scheduled. 每个线程都维护异常处理程序、调度优先级和一组系统用于在调度该线程前保存线程上下文的结构。
- To avoid this catastrophe, the filter driver must ensure that the kernel virtual address for the requestor's buffer is usable in an arbitrary thread context. 为了避免这种情况的发生,过滤驱动程序必须确保请求者的缓冲区虚拟地址在随机线程上下文中始终可用。
- Raise an exception only in a nonarbitrary thread context, when you know there's an exception handler above you, and when you really know what you're doing. 只在一个非强制进程关联中提升一个异常,当你知道在你上面有一个异常处理期,并且当你确实知道你自己正在做什么的时候。
- Another situation in which the thread context is not arbitrary occurs when an application issues an API call that causes the I/O Manager to send an IRP directly to a driver. 当一个应用发布一个API调用,引起I/O管理器直接给一个驱动发送一个IRP的时候,线程关联的另一种情况并非武断的发生。
- The only “priority” that means anything at IRQLs above APC_LEVEL is IRQL itself, and it controls which programs can execute rather than the thread context within which they execute. 在APC_LEVEL之上的IRQL级别“占先”仅仅意味着IRQL本身,并且它控制哪个程序可以执行而不是这个程序执行所在的线程关系。
- It may take an hour to wind off all the thread. 把所有线都松下需一个小时。
- The thread seems to match the cloth. 这线和这布似乎很相称。
- The thread running in the context of the process. 在处理上下文中运行的线程。
- How many spools of thread did you use? 你用了几轴线?
- I'm afraid I've lost the thread of your argument. 我恐怕没有抓住你的论据的思路。
- A loose end, fringe, or tuft of thread. 碎屑松散的线的末端、毛边或一束线
- For strong sewing use double, not single thread. 为了缝得牢,用双线,而不要用单线。
- The girl tied the ends of the thread. 这女孩把线的两端结起来。
- She passed a thread through the eye of her needle. 她将线穿过她的针眼。
- Please give me a piece of thread. 请给我一段线。