- I shudder to recall those days of humiliation. 想起那些屈辱的日子,真是不寒而栗。
- It's just been one of those days. 真是倒霉的日子。
- There was a lot of money around in those days. 那年月有很多富裕钱。
- There were no printed books in those days. 当时没有印刷的书籍。
- They suffered a great deal in those days. 那时他们吃了不少苦。
- Partyism was nonexistent in those days. 党派制在那时候并不存在。
- He often mooned about those days. 那些日子他常常精神恍惚。
- Well, in those days there was no railway here. 想当年,这里还没有火车呢。
- In those days they had to fight the pests barehanded. 那时候他们得赤手空拳和虫害作斗争。
- In those days, objections would only invite reprisals. 在那时候,提出反对意见只会引起报复。
- In those days talented young people were too often ploughed under. 在那些岁月里,有才干的青年常常被埋没。
- I knew it would turn out to be one of those days when I overslept. 我明白,如果我睡过头,那结果会是很不妙的。
- Artists didn't understand perspective in those days. 在那个年代艺术家们不懂透视法。
- In those days they could not spare the children from fieldwork. 那时候,孩子不到地里干活是不行的。
- The river was in those days choked up with silt. 那时候这条河被淤泥阻塞着。
- I retain a clear memory of those days. 我还清晰地记得那些日子。
- It wasn't quite the done thing for women to drink in pubs in those days. 那年月女的到酒店喝酒可不成体统。
- They were fre-quently cursed in those days. 在那个时候他们常常挨骂。
- How are you making out those days? 那些天你进展如何?
- There is a lot of money around in those days. 那年月有很多富裕钱。