- I travel always by the third class. 旅行我总是坐三等。
- Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Third Class? 最有潜力成为第三等的犬?
- I always travel by the third class. 我旅行总是坐三等舱。
- They traveled to Shanghai in third class. 他们乘三等舱去上海。
- The P&G uses third class to mail free samples of soap. P&G公司以三类邮件寄出免费肥皂样品。
- From that day on, Fang often ate his meals in the third class. 从那天起,方鸿渐饭也常在二等吃。
- Series: Another tour of the Java class structure, reflection, and classworking. 系列:另一系列关于Java类结构、反射和类处理的文章。
- Means third class and fourth class schools in South region. 南部三级南部四级。
- Planned Class Structure for NSS: Five classes in F.4, F.5 and F.6. 新高中班级结构:中四、中五、中六每级各五班。
- Corneal haze of third class and more were 1.06% adn 6.67%. 有 3级以上角膜混浊者 ; 组为 1.;0 6%25;组为 6
- The P &G uses third class to mail free samples of soap. P &G公司以三类邮件寄出免费肥皂样品。
- Responsibility for third class auditing working procedure in ATPU. 实施发动机ATPU工序三级稽查。
- The class structure for the source code thus imitates the UML metamodel closely. 因而源代码的类结构在很大程度上模仿了UML元模型。
- This labour,therefore,does not belong to the third class,but to the first. 因此,这种劳动不属于第三类,而属于第一类。
- He could only afford the third class on the ship coming home from China. 他乘船从中国回家只付得起三等舱。
- Class diagrams help you understand the class structure of projects others have written (or that you wrote a long time ago). 类关系图可帮助理解他人编写的(或自己在很久以前编写的)项目的类结构。
- A third class of RNA is also required for protein synthesis, the ribosomal RNA. 蛋白质合成还需要第三类RNA,即核糖体RNA。
- Class structure and relationships between class structure, equality, and inequality and how this affected the way people satisfied their needs. 社会阶层及其成员之间的平等和不平等关系在人们满足其需求的过程中施加了何等的影响。
- This labour, therefore, does not belong to the third class, but to the first. 因此,这种劳动不属于第三类,而属于第一类。
- Moving from Toxteth to a "frightfully posh" part of Cheshire, her mother came "face to face with the British class structure". 从托迪斯搬到柴郡一个“使人害怕的豪华的”区域,她的母亲“与英国阶级结构打了个照面”。