- What effects our thinking pattern? 什么影响着我们的心智模式?
- The influence of Whitehead mainly was thinking pattern. 怀特海对朗格的影响主要是思维方式上的。
- Don't expect to overhaul your diet, exercise or thinking patterns in a day. 不要指望在一天内彻底改变你的饮食、健身和思考方式。
- Stronghold = It's a wrong thinking pattern and keeps us imprisoned in defeat. 坚固的营垒=错误的思考模式,把我们局限在失败、不断的失败中。
- And the paper holds that the diverging thinking patterns of China and Western Countries is the main cause of them. 中国传统文化中的情话对白多采用自由直接引语和心理性直接引语的形式,体现了男性话语权中女性的传统角色;
- CBT focuses on changing your thinking patterns and can help you develop better ways of coping with your fears. 它把焦点放在改变人们的思维习惯、帮助人们建立起更好的方式应对恐惧。
- But in fact, negative thinking patterns do just the opposite, eroding the mental health of all exposed. 可实际上,消极思维方式适得其反,侵蚀精神健康。
- Refers to the claim the original hypothesis suggests, emphasiziing the decisive role of language as the shaper of our thinking patterns. 指的是这一理论的初始假说,即强调语言在塑造我们的思维方式过程中起到了决定性的作用。
- The thinking pattern in Marxist philosophy is the cream and crystallization of the human thinking pattern. 马克思主义哲学思维方式是人类思维方式的精华和结晶。
- Thinking patterns have been clearly reflected on languages, as a result of which English is hypotactic and Chinese is paratactic. 语言深刻地反响了头脑模式的这种差异,因此就形成了英语的形合特性和汉语的意合特性。
- College students are experiencing the complex process of physical development,value formation,and transformation of thinking patterns. 大学生生理上在成熟,价值观在形成,思维方式在转化,处在复杂多变的时期。
- Delivering the company culture quickly and effectively to the trainee with different thinking patterns and values, to set up a coherent value and rhythm within the company. 快速有效传递企业文化,给具有不同思维模式和价值判断标准的学员,建立与企业一致的价值观和节奏感。
- Chinese thinking pattern is circular. A Chinese essay follows a circular line of development. 汉语的思维模式属于迂回型思维。
- When you want to exercise your imagination, you should be free from the normal thinking pattern. 当锻炼想象力时,你应该摆脱常规的思维模式。
- She not only reframes concepts and paradigms about philosophies, behaviours and thinking patterns, but also she will delight you with her candour and passion. 她热情直率,让您听她重新解读哲学,行为及思想模式的概念与范例时愉快无比。
- This entirely reflects the author's thinking pattern of hetero-topia in his molding the image of China. 这些都反映了作者构筑中国形象时采用的是异托邦思维模式。
- The thinking pattern is the relatively stable pattern, procedure and habit in the thinking activities. 摘要思维方式是思维活动中相对稳定的模式、程序和习惯。
- The thought pattern created by mantra are positive, beneficial, calming ones. 吟诵真言可以促使我们形成积极、有益、平和的思维方式。
- Use a creativity technique designed to break you away from your normal thinking pattern. 借助一种专门用来打破正常思维模式、激发创造力的技巧。
- I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。