- thinkers in early Qin Dynasty 先秦诸子
- Historical Relics of Frontier Guards on Patrol in Early Qin Dynasty and the Patrol Systems Ascertained 先秦巡狩史迹与制度稽论
- The Confuciusists and Daoists'Views on Reclusion In Early Qin Dynasty and the Difference in Their Images 先秦儒道隐逸观及其形象表现之不同
- Confucius, a thinker of the early Qin Dynasty 中国先秦思想家孔子
- The elderly professor knows everything from the early Qin Dynasty to recent times, and from Jing, Shi, Zi to Ji, the last of which is his specialty. 从先秦到近代,老教授经史子集靡不贯通,尤以集部为最精。
- West Han Dynasty to the early Qin Dynasty replaced the original gun Xue Lu, Zhi Lu where the county (this, Shandong Qufu). 西汉朝初将秦朝原来的薛郡改为鲁国,治所在鲁县(今山东曲阜)。
- From 1923 to 1925 in early Republic of China, Beiping's academe initiated a series of activities for commemorating Dai Dongyuan, who was a great scholar and thinker in the Qing Dynasty. 摘要民国十二年至十四年(1923-1925)之间,北平学界曾经掀起过一场纪念清代学者戴东原二百年生日的活动。
- Therefore there were only dialectical thought and dialectical ideology, not dialectical logic Science in ancient China (early Qin Dynasty). 因此,中国古代先秦时期只有辩证思维、辩证思想,没有辩证逻辑科学。
- Its birth and development had a lot to do with the early Qin Dynasty poems,but should owe its real origin to "Ode to Oranges" written by Qu Yuan and "Prose Writtings" by Xun Qin, which had already contained the three features. 诗体赋的产生和发展脱离不了与先秦诗歌的关系,但真正作为诗体赋的滥觞,应当是屈原的《橘颂》和荀卿的《赋篇》五(?) ,它们已经基本具备了诗体赋的三个特征。
- China was reunified in A.D. 589 by the short-lived Sui dynasty (A.D. 581-617), which has often been compared to the earlier Qin dynasty in the ruthlessness of its accomplishments. 公元589年-隋朝,中国再次统一了。隋朝(公元581-617)的统治时间很短,人们因它残暴的统治而常常把它比作是早期的秦朝。
- Confucians vs. Mohist in the early Qin Dynasty 先秦儒墨
- Confucius is the founder of Confucianism, both Mencius and Xunzi are the inheritor of Confucianism in early Qin period, and they make great contribution to the development of Confucianism. 孔子是儒学的创始人,孟子和荀子都是先秦时期儒家学说的继承人,都对儒学的发展作出过巨大贡献。
- Cathay was reunified in Qin dynasty. 秦代实现了华夏民族的大一统。
- Mencius is an important thinker in ancient China. 孟子是中國古代重要的思想家。
- In this area black frost usually comes first in early December. 这个地区通常在12月初开始出现严霜。
- Summer vacation normally starts in early July. 暑假一般在七月初开始。
- The Saxon once settled in England in early times. 撒克逊人早期曾定居英格兰。
- In1859<
>was published and Darwin was recognized as one of the most important thinkers in science. 1859年《物种起源》一书发表了,选尔文被看作是在科学界最重要的思想家之一。 - A Survey of Jade Weapons in the Early Qin Dynasty From the Archeological Angle 先秦玉兵器的考古学观察
- Zheng Guanying was a famous thinker in modern China. 郑观应是中国近代著名的思想家。