- If I wee you, I'd think twice about it. 如果我是你我会三思而后行。
- He wouldn't think twice about taking somebody else's money. 他会毫不犹豫地接受别人的钱的。
- You should think twice about employing someone you've never met. 你要雇用素未谋面的人应三思而行。
- If I were you,I'd think twice about it. 如果我是你,我会三思而后行。
- think twice about something 三思而后再决定做某事
- Please think twice about my suggestion. 请你认真考虑考虑我的建议。
- Think twice about the office watercooler. 在办公室使用冷却器请三思。
- If I wee you,I'd think twice about it. 如果我是你我会三思而后行。
- You should think twice about employing someone you have never met . 你要雇用素未谋面的人应三思而行。
- You'd think twice about entrusting your savings to that company. 把你的储蓄委托给那个公司,你要三思。
- That would make Tehran think twice about meddling in Iraq. 这有可能迫使德黑兰在企图干涉伊拉克时三思而行。
- Do not think twice about it,but say "No"; that's all. 不要踌躇,说个“不”字就是了。
- If I were in your position, I would think twice about that. 如果我处在你的地位,我会考虑得更周全一些。
- MAkes you think twice about why you want it in the first place. 让人怀疑自己当初为什么这么想休假。
- Jimmy Mitchell didn't think twice about stopping to help. 吉米·米切尔毫不犹豫地立刻停下车去帮忙。
- He's trying to make us think twice about taking him out. 他企图让我们再三考虑放过他。
- Literature Research: Please Think Twice About Your Future! 文学研究:路在何方?
- Nearly all Australians polled also said they would not think twice about addressing their boss by their first name, something Chinese business people found very rude. 此外,调查显示,澳大利亚人在办公时经常大声说话,接打私人电话,而且爱打听同事的私人问题。
- The time may vary, but most folks think twice about calling after 10:00 p.m. 何时才算太晚并不一定,不过,大部分的人若想在晚上10点钟以后打电话,都会再三考虑。
- I'd say think twice about it.Well, you're not going to quit school, are you? 我会说你要三思。你不是真要退吧。