- Try not to think in terms of right and wrong. 不知道对错了。
- Teachers think in terms of problems. 老师从问题的角度考虑。
- Think in terms of probabilities but don't see trading as gambling. 以概率而不是赌博的角度来对待买卖。
- I haven't even thought in terms of me winning an award. 我还没想过我本人得个什么奖。
- I'm thinking in terms of about 70 guests at the wedding. 我打算邀请70位嘉宾参加婚礼。
- Moment when you first starting thinking in terms of objects. 这与您第一次开始用对象进行思考时那种。
- think in terms of images 形象思维
- Think of it in terms of an investment. 从投资的角度来考虑那件事。
- To Foster Middle School Students with Scientific Ability of Thinking in Terms of Images 中学生科学形象思维能力的培养
- Concealed Logic of Thinking in Terms of Image in Novels 小说形象思维的隐性逻辑
- When you plan each issue of your newsletter, think in terms of categories. 在规划每一期新闻稿时,请按照类别来考虑。
- The mistake is continuing to think in terms of the old monastic dichotomies. 这个错误是跟着古老的修道院式的二元论想法(圣、俗,属灵、属世)而来的。
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的。
- You shouldn't think in terms of betterness, only in terms of differentness. 你不能从“更好”的角度思考问题,只能从差异上进行突破。
- Thinking in terms of images 形象思维
- This is what is meant by thinking in terms of the majority. 这就是照顾多数的观点。
- Thinking in terms of images m eans using certain forms of structure to embody an image from thinking hard to d rawing up a sketch; 形象思维:从构 思落实到构图,通过形象思维用一定的形式结构将图像体现出来;
- It is wrong to try to judge happiness in term of worldly success. 试图以世间的成功来判断幸福是错误的。
- Of course, Manchester United will be looking at their situation and be beginning to think in terms of a second treble. 当然地,曼联将会考虑他们的状况并开始为进军第二次三冠王作打算。
- In terms of salary, I think my job is OK. 就薪水而言,我的工作还不错。