- The thin cat was rarely fed. 这只瘦弱的猫很少被喂食。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- The cat lapped up all the milk in the saucer. 猫把碟中的牛奶舐得干干净净。
- The old lady fondled her cat as it sat beside her. 老妇人抚摸着蹲在身边的小猫。
- I can't bear having a cat in the house. 家中养猫我受不了。
- It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake. 在湖中薄冰上行走是很危险的。
- That guy thinks he's the cat's meow. 那个家伙认为自己最了不起啦。
- I recoiled at seeing a dead cat on the road. 我在路上看见一只死猫而向後退缩。
- He has very thin legs and knobbly knees. 他腿很细,膝盖呈圆球状凸起。
- That thin red line tipped with steel. 那根细细的红线末端装有钢头。
- She gave some of the meat to the cat. 她把一些肉给猫吃了。
- The cat is a domestic animal in many countries. 猫在许多国家都是家养动物。
- The old cat quietly packed up in his sleep. 那只老猫在睡梦中静静地死去。
- He taped a nail in slowly to spilt the thin board. 他慢慢地把钉子钉进这块簿板,以防劈开。
- The cat looked very sleek and well fed. 这只猫毛很光滑,看来喂得很好。
- A cat with no tail is an anomaly. 没尾巴的猫是一只畸形猫。
- He remained loyal to me through thick and thin. 他历尽艰辛始终都忠实於我。
- The cat is on the prowl for mice. 猫在四处寻找耗子。
- Although he is thin, he has good digestive power. 尽管他很瘦,他的消化能力挺好。
- My cat have its ear rip open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。