- I am busy with my thesis proposal at present. 目前我忙于写开题综述。
- This thesis proposes a low-power and high-performance deblocking filter architecture for H.264/AVC. 本论文针对H.;264高等影像编码技术提出一个高效能以及低功率的去区块效应滤波器之硬体架构。
- This thesis proposes an integration scheme to Japanese Business Card recognition based on "Proper Adjustment". 本文应用适当干预的日英OCR系统集成原则,集成OCR系统识别日文名片。
- This thesis proposes an ontology-initiated scenario-specific query expansion system to solve these problems. 我们提出了基于本体论之场景式的查询扩充系统来改善这些问题。
- This thesis proposed a multi-scale grating that is composed by sub-wavelength and micron-scaled surface structures. 本论文提出了一项结合次波长结构与微米等级结构制作复合尺度表面的构想。
- This thesis proposes a passive noise suppressor to suppress the noise produced by switched power supplies. 中文摘要本论文旨在研制一组被动式杂讯抑制器,用以抑制切换式电源供应器所造成之传导杂讯。
- The thesis proposes a new construction on principles of ethical responsibilities in communicational practice. 本论文对传播实践中道德责任的各种原则作出了一种新的解释(建构)。
- This thesis proposes a state feedback controller design for linear discrete systems with delayed controls. 中文摘要本篇论文针对具有延迟输入的线性离散系统提出状态回授控制器之设计。
- Compared with the other control model, this thesis proposes a novel strategy that the power of the APU is adaptively regulated based on the power balance of the driving cycle. 相比传统的控制模式,论文提出了车辆行驶区间功率平衡的功率实时自适应调节控制策略。
- In order to sovle these problems, this thesis proposes a new search engine which is exclusively for searching downloadable-resource. 本文通过研究可下载资源的特性,提出了一种新的面向可下载资源的搜索引擎,以此来弥补通用搜索引擎在搜索可下载资源方面的不足。
- This thesis proposed the principle, strategy and actions for the development of science popularization tourism in Yunnan. 文章在提出发展科普旅游的指导思想与原则、目标的基础上,着重探讨了云南科普旅游的总体布局与行动计划。
- Based on ontology services, this thesis proposed an approach to enable end-user to input their knowledge discovery requirements using natural language. 2)、提出了一种基于领域本体服务,用户通过自然语言输入知识发现需求的方案及算法。
- This thesis proposes a skewness and kurtosis correction (SKC) method to set up Xbar and R control charts for process monitoring. 传统投资组合理论大多假定股票报酬率服从常态分配,然而,近年来有研究指出个别股票的报酬率分配呈现正偏型态。
- Based on the proposed conception of human inhabitation environment, this thesis proposes the topological elements of human settlement. 基于人类聚居环境概念,提出聚居社区的拓扑元素。
- In the transform field, based on the understanding of the integer DCT/IDCT and Q/IQ, this thesis proposed the relative hardware architecture. 在变换域,本论文分析了整数离散余弦正变换/反变换和量化/反量化的算法原理,并提出基于双变换复用的硬件架构。
- The thesis proposes the concept of “Telecom Law” and analyzes its regulative objects on the basis of the comparison of the concept of “Telecom”. 文章在通过比较研究得出“电信”定义的基础上,提出了“电信法”的概念并从四个方面分析了其调整对象。
- This thesis proposes means of translation on the basis of a systematic comparison of the different forms of nominalization in English and Chinese. 本文在对英汉语名物化的形式进行系统对比的基础上,提出了较具体的翻译方法。
- This thesis proposes a CASE tool ACASE which is an integration of different techniques for the formal modeling and simulation of Active Networks. 本论文是利用电脑程式作为逻辑电路的模拟实验,并且采用包括类神经网路与模糊逻辑控制推论方法,来实现全加器与全减器的真值表。
- The thesis proposes a CCFL driving circuit that has synchronous scanning function.Finally, use single inverter to drive six lamps. 最后本论文研制具同步扫描之冷阴极萤光灯管驱动电路,以单组变流器架构驱动多支灯管。