- thermonuclear implosion 热核聚爆
- Thermonuclear weapons have high destructive power. 热核武器拥有惊人的杀伤力。
- A nuclear fusion is a thermonuclear reaction. 核聚变是一种热核反应。
- They have nothing to do with the design of thermonuclear warhead. 他们]与热核武器弹头的设计毫无关系。
- The population explosion is accompanied by a population implosion. 人口爆炸还伴随着人口爆聚。
- The thermonuclear reactions of the sun energize the human body. 太阳的热核反应给人类以能量。
- But the movement's implosion is nevertheless astonishing. 然而,这场运动的内爆令人震惊。
- The implosion must be extremely symmetrical to be fully successful. 内爆要完全成功,必须达到极度对称。
- Thermonuclear reactions are, quite literally, nuclear burning. 热核反应,通俗地说,就是原子核燃烧。
- Thermonuclear flames can spread in the same two ways. 星球内的热核火焰可同样以这两种方式传播。
- Nothing less than a fission bomb can ignite a thermonuclear reaction. 威力比一个裂变炸弹小的任何东西都不能点燃热核反应。
- The new century began with the implosion of Enron and other prominent firms. 先是安然等几大公司的破产给这个世纪开了个头。
- Momentarily possibly initiates the implosion Ataisite means that are too many. 一个随时可能引发内爆的阿泰斯特意味着太多。
- At this point, the implosion somehow reverses and becomes a powerful outflow. 在这个时候,向内的爆发力量会突然反转,猛烈地向外疾冲。
- The first depends on the triggering of the plutonium by an implosion process. 第一个因素取决于引燃钸弹的内爆程序。
- Predictions of the spectacular implosion of English soccer are not new. 对于英格兰足球发生壮观内爆的预言并不新奇。
- Sayid: The core itseld is a thermonuclear weapon, it'll be more than enough. 它的内核本身就是个热核武器,威力绰绰有余。
- It's a heavy element produced in thermonuclear explosions of supernovae. 这是一个重元素,产生于超新星的热核爆炸。
- Successful implosion of all quarks adds 1000 points to the final score. 成功爆所有夸克得1000点。