- thermonuclear fusion energy 热核能
- Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Research Glossary. 等离子物理词汇。
- Systems of this sort are being used in an effort to produce controlled thermonuclear fusion reactions. 这类系统正用于产生受控热核聚变反应的探索。
- Astronomers ascribed them to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen or helium or to the sudden accretion of matter onto the star. 天文学家因此可将其归因于氢或氦的热核融合反应,或是有物质突然被星体吸附而产生的。
- The first wall will face plasma directly in Tokamak vacuum vessel, its performance will affect the stability of thermonuclear fusion. 托卡马克第一壁直接面向高温等离子体,它的性能优劣影响热核聚变的稳态反应。
- Between 1990-92,through experimentation,thermonuclear fusion reaction was achieved through the method of indirect driving,and thermonuclear neutron was observed. 接着,在1990-1992年间通过实验,用间接驱动方式实现热核聚变反应,观察到了热核中子。
- Between 1990-92, through experimentation, thermonuclear fusion reaction was achieved through the method of indirect driving, and thermonuclear neutron was observed. 接着在1990-1992年间通过实验,用间接驱动方式实现热核聚变反应,观察到了热核中子。
- It is designed to cause thermonuclear fusion in tiny pellets of deuterium (so small that they would not be covered by the test-ban treaty) and is expected to be completed in 2009. 该系统是用来设计来在微型氘球(该微型球小得连禁核协议中都没有提到)中引发热核核聚变的,并预计在2009年完工。
- The superheated sun would release as much fusion energy in that hour as it normally does in 100 million years. 过热的太阳在这一小时内释放出的核融合能量,可达正常情形下一亿年里所释出的量。
- It also indicate that fusion energy is only one of the ener-gy sources that can be used continually in next century. 阐明下个世纪可持续供应的能源将是聚变能。
- Heavy water (D2O) is the most feasible moderator and coolant in nuclear-fission reactors while deuterium (D) will be the nuclear fuel for thermonuclear fusion in the distant future. 摘要重水(D2O)乃核分离反应器中最适用之缓冲剂及冷剂,而重氢(D)则为不久将来将发展出之核融合反应的燃料。
- One cubic kilometre of sea water has the fusion energy equivalent of whole world's oil reserves," said John Parris at the Hiper project. 目前,一小部分国家控制着全球的大量石油,导致众多国家担心自身的能源安全。
- The ultimate aim of ICF is to solve the inertial fusion energy(IFE) problems.The new mechanism of theignition in ICF could solve the problems. 如果能有新的方式使高密度燃料小囊点火就有可能使这一多年来孜孜以求的梦想变成现实。
- During the operational time of the ITER, the cooling water will remove 80% of the fusion energy depositing in the shield blanket. 在ITER的运行过程中,80%25的聚变能都要通过屏蔽包层里面的冷却水带出到环境中。
- The possible technical challenges of fast Z-Pinch driven ICF as fusion energy and the application prospect are discussed. 探讨了快Z?箍缩驱动ICF作为聚变能源可能遇到的技术问题及应用前景。
- These extremely large,extremely expensive facilities have usually been justified primarily as a potential inexhaustible source of "clean" fusion energy. 这些极巨大极昂贵的设施一般被认定为“干净”聚变能源潜在的取之不尽的源泉。
- magnetic - confinement thermonuclear fusion 磁约束热核聚变
- magnetic-confinement thermonuclear fusion 磁约束热核聚变
- controlled thermonuclear fusion reactor 受控热核聚变反应堆
- laser-induced thermonuclear fusion 激光致热核聚变