- thermocouple ammeter 热电偶式安培计
- He was very attentive to the ammeter. 他十分经心在意地望着电流计。
- Built-in isolating explosion button and ammeter. 内装隔爆型按钮和增安型电流表。
- One thermocouple is required per thermowell. 每个热电偶套管需要一个热电偶。
- The measuring range ammeter can be made by user`s. 电流表量程由用户指定。
- They should be checked frequently against a standard thermocouple. 它们经常要用标准热电偶来校对。
- Temperature: Display the temperature reading from the thermocouple. 温度:根据热电偶指示温度。
- Do not use ammeter in circuits with more than 32V present. 不得在电压不要超过32V的电路上测试电流。
- Thermocouple tip must touch the end of the thermowell. 热电偶头必须碰到热电偶套管的顶部。
- Check that the ammeter indicates the specified current. 检查安培计的读数。
- Signal LO is hardwired to the ammeter and to all other signal LOs. 信号LO是硬连接至安培表以及所有其它的信号LO的。
- Can also custom specifications, various types of thermocouple. 还可以定做各种规格,各种类型热电偶。
- A voltammeter is consisted of a voltmeter and an ammeter. 伏安计是由伏特表和安培表组成的。
- It also presents a method of making a thermocouple thermometer. 阐述温度测量的基本原理、类型,并对热电耦温度计进行试制作。
- Thermocouple is a usual temperature measuring component. 摘要热电偶是常用的测温元件。
- Also, the resistor limits the AC gain of the feedback ammeter. 此外,该电阻器还限制回馈安培表的交流增益。
- The temperature is sensed by a thermocouple located in the vapour space. 该温度由位于蒸气空间的热电偶所测出。
- The transmitter is wired for up-scale thermocouple burn-out protection. 变送器上壳连有热电偶烧毁保护接线。
- The simplest version of the thermocouple gage consists of a resistance wire. 最简单的热电偶真空计是由电阻丝组成。
- Controller automatically turns off heater if thermocouple fails or disconnects. 当热电偶发生故障或未连接时,控温仪将自动关闭加热器。