- thermal fire detector response 感温火灾探测器响应
- Simulating alarm test for fire detector. 火警检测器自动报警试验。
- Simulating (Automatic) alarm test for fire detector. 火警检测器模拟(自动)报警试验。
- In Fire autoalarm control system the fire detector is the key parts for the detecting of fire signals. 火灾自动报警控制系统中,探测器是探测火灾信号的关键部件。
- It is to be installed in the protective district via ductwork, acting as a fire detector and auto sprayer. 通过管网安装于防护区内,具有探测火灾及自动喷水灭火的作用。
- Abstract: A new type infrared photoelectricity smoke fire detector,which was made by the components of made in China, is expounds. 文摘:阐述作者研制的一种用国产元器件制成的红外光电感烟火灾探测器。
- In this paper,a new method for detecting fire is proposed,which is the scheme of fire detector based on multilayer perception(MLP). 本文提出了一种新的火灾探测的方法,即一种基于多层感知器(MLP)火灾探测器方案。
- Alpert, R.L., Calculation of Response Time of Ceiling-Mounted Fire Detectors, Fire Technology, Vol. 8, 1972. 运用函数计算机预测计算火灾特性,日本建筑学会近畿分部,2001年3月。
- To resolve the control for heat tunnel of fire detector, a RBF network parameters tuning algorithm for PID based on immune genetic optimization is presented. 摘要为了解决火灾探测器闭环温箱的控制,提出了一种基于免疫遗传优化的RBF网络参数整定PID算法。
- After analyzing fire characteristics and workshop particularities in the radialist, the author ascertains that the best choice of fire detector is line-type detector. 通过对子午线轮胎厂火灾特性以及车间特点的分析,确定火灾探测器的选择范围是线型探测器;
- Aiming at the demand of veracity?convenience and repeatability, we made a universal simulated platform for fire detector evaluation basing on the Standard Code of China. 针对火灾探测器性能检测准确性、方便性和可重复性的要求,立足国家探测器检测标准,研制了一个火灾探测综合模拟实验平台。
- Whether the detectors response threshold value can be adjusted and What is its adjustable limit. 探测器响应阈值是否可调及可调范围。
- ununiformity of the detector response 探测器响应不一致性
- Fire detector and flameout protection for FSSS in all blast furnace gas fired boiler. 全燃烧高炉煤气锅炉的火焰检测器以及FSSS的炉膛灭火保护。
- Both of our detectors' responsivity will be increased at long wavelength range as the temperature raise.This is due to the thermal excitation effect. 我们两个侦测器的光响应在长波长范围皆会随著温度的上升而增加,我们认为这是由于热激发的效应。
- Point type smoke fire detector meets the requirements of GB4715-1993. The test itemsinclude Electrostatic discharge, Radiated electromagnetic fields, and Electrical transient bursts. 点型感烟火灾探测器应符合GB4715-1993标准的要求。检测项目有:静电放电;辐射电磁场;电快速瞬变脉冲群。
- It investigates the system models of the intelligent network fire detector,such as the models based on fieldbus/Ethernet/Internet/Intranet,and points out its important meaning in the engineering application. 本文结合计算机网络和信息技术的成果,提出了智能网络火灾探测器的火灾探测技术新思想,对其三个研发方向即基于现场总线/以太网/Internet/Intranet的智能网络火灾探测器的系统模型进行了研究与探讨,并指出它在实际工程应用中的重大意义和深刻变革。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- On the Problem of the Molding Smoker Detector Response 感烟火灾探测器响应模拟问题研究