- therapy plinth 治疗用操练椅
- Behind Nike, the bust of Zeus on a plinth. 后面是一尊放置在柱基上的宙斯半身像。
- Self-help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped. 伤残人士在治疗中,自助自立是个重要因素。
- The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy. 冷疗法一种在医疗中局部或全部使用低温的方法
- Physical therapy alternates with chemical. 理疗和化疗交替进行。
- It stands on a high marble plinth with a minaret at each corner. 整个建筑建立在一个高大的大理石底座上,每个角上都有一个尖塔。
- The pedestal,plinth,or base of a pillar,column,or statue. 基脚;墩柱墩、柱石或雕像的台架、侧石或基石
- The pedestal, plinth, or base of a pillar, column, or statue. 基脚;墩柱墩、柱石或雕像的台架、侧石或基石
- On this plinth two buildings are placed forming a courtyard. 这个基座放置两个建筑物,形成一个庭院。
- Therapy or treatment by exposure to radiation. 射线疗法暴露在辐射前的疗法或冶疗
- The talk and travel is its own kind of therapy. 对他来说,交谈和旅行有特殊的治疗功效。
- Estrogen hormone therapy advice is not yet uniform. 激素激素治疗意见尚不统一。
- Mark was referred to Orff Music Therapy. 马克接受了奥尔夫音乐疗法。
- Perhaps it is grief therapy for myself. 这也许是为了解除我的悔恨。
- Medical therapy involving exposure to sunlight. 日光(浴)疗法一种通过暴露在阳光里达到治疗效果的治疗方法
- Those who stutter often receive speech therapy. 那些口吃者经常接受语言治疗。
- The exact plinth dimension can be variable depending on the individual design. 雕塑基座的确实尺寸可因应个别设计而稍作调整。
- Rrecovery was synchronous with therapy. 恢复与治疗是同时的。
- Lara: The plinth inscription warns vengeance on those who remove it. 柱基的碑铭上警告说搬动它会遭到报复的。
- Group therapy classes have been his salvation. 他一直靠参加集体疗法班来调节心理。