- themes of Chinese Classicalism 经学主题
- Themes of Homeland and Love Knot in Chinese Classic Poetry 中国古典诗歌的家园与乡思主题
- Peace and development are the main theme of today's world,and also the common will of Chinese and Indian peoples. 和平与发展是当今世界的主流,也是中印两国人民的共同愿望。
- Peace was the dominant theme of the conference. 和平是大会的首要议题。
- At last , the emotion ontology of Chinese classic verse is established since Wei Jin. 最后分析魏晋以来情感诗学的发展和情感本体论的确立。
- As a core element of Chinese classic aesthetics,the principle of classic poetics is an important and charming spirit culture of Chinese nation. 古典诗学原则作为中国古典美学的核心成分,是中华民族重要而又富有魅力的精神文化。
- That's a common theme of modern literature. 那是现代文学的一个普遍主题。
- This book is the first history of Chinese fiction which gave the right name and signification to the Chinese classic novels. 该书为中国古典小说正名添价,是第一部中国小说史。
- What is the essential theme of the play? 这剧本的主题是什麽?
- In the circumstance of Chinese classic culture, "sanctitude" and "Tao" had many same meanings, both of them showed a kind of occult human's realm. 在中国传统文化的背景中,“神”与“道”互通,它们共同表现了一种玄妙的人生之境。
- The Japanese invasion in the 1930s marked a great change in the style of Chinese songs, from the theme of enlightenment to that of resistance and saving the nation. "九.;一八"事变后,中国歌风大变,由启蒙主题转向抗战救亡
- The theme of the poem is love and peace. 这首诗的主题是爱与和平。
- The revolting articles in literary revolution declared the expiry of Chinese classic literary theory and the rise of modern literary theory. 以文学革命的发难文章为标志,正式宣告了中国古典文学理论的终结和现代文学理论的兴起。
- The basic theme of these stories never varies. 这些故事的基本主题永远不变。
- He is entitled the pioneer of Imagist and Vortisist, the inventor of Chinese classic poetry and the preacher of Chinese Confucianism. 除诗歌外,他还从事评论,视觉艺术,音乐,政治,经济以及翻译活动。
- He expatiated on the theme of the novel. 他阐述了那本小说的主题。
- The lyrics of this opera utilize all types of Chinese classic poems; the mandate is to make this archaic form reborn with fresh breathes and its own heartbeat. 在文词语言上,本歌剧希望使古文复活,融汇诗经、辞、府等,赋予古诗词的形式以鲜丽的生命。
- This article has explored the connotation of Chinese Classic Antique furniture conservation and restoration, and defined the function of classic furniture conserver and restorer. 本文探讨了中国古典文物家具保护和修复的涵义,明确了古典文物家具保护师和修复师的职能范围。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- The historical aspect formed the main theme of her essay. 她的论文的主题是由历史观点贯穿起来的。