- theme change of socialism 社会主义主题转换
- Change of social culture is directly and quickly reflected in the vocabulary. 社会文化的变迁,直接、快速地在词汇中得到反映。
- Take a change of clothes with you. 把你替换的衣服带去吧。
- The change of the anamorphosis means the change of social culture status and social value. 一个人的语言变体的改变意味着社会文化身份的改变和社会价值观念的改变。
- Qu stressed the smash of everything in the old country, while Gramsci stressed the change of social ideology. 瞿秋白着眼于打碎旧的国家机器,葛兰西则更加强调意识形态。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- A change of diet may do you good. 改变一下饮食对你可能有好处。
- Base on two models, this paper analyses the motive and the change of social welfare after merges in the case of appearing a leader. 摘要本文以博弈论为分析工具,通过两个市场竞争模型,分析了当横向并购产生一个行业领导者时企业并购的动机和社会福利变化情况。
- One is the general study on the change of social life, including consumption, inhabitation, transportation, social communication, culture etc. 一方面从总体上把握转型期以来社会生活的变化,分别从消费、居住、交通、社会交往、社会文化和休闲六个领域进行了简要的概括。
- A good pitcher has a change of pace. 一个好投手能投出速度捉摸不定的球。
- He is totally ignorant of social usage. 他对社会习俗一无所知。
- The doctor urged a change of air. 医生力劝换个环境。
- Human ecology is a branch of social science. 人文生态学是社会科学的一个分支。
- Appellation most efficiently reflected the change of social life and thought, which in return always promoted the change of appellation. 称谓能够敏感的反映社会生活和社会思想的变化,日新月异的社会生活往往又促使称谓相应的发生很多改变。
- Misappropriating the theories of social science. 不正确地使用社会科学的理论
- Circumstances have compelled a change of plan. 因情况所迫,计划已经改变。
- Please notify us of any change of address. 地址如有变动,请通知我们。
- Possibly the same is true of social work? 社会福利工作可能也是这样的吧?
- I noticed a swift change of expression in his face. 我注意到他脸上的表情很快地变化。
- William Morris was one of the early prophets of socialism. 威廉·莫里斯是社会主义的早期鼓吹者之一。