- The history book recorded the details of the vicissitude of times. 这本史书详细地记述了时代的变迁。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- It reflects the vicissitude of society. 它反映了社会的变迁兴衰。
- He was battling against the vicissitudes of life. 他在每况愈下的生活中奋斗。
- The sea was choppy today because of the windstorm. 今天起了风暴,海上波涛汹涌。
- They passed through all the vicissitudes of the Polish nation. 他们和波兰共患难,历尽种种沧桑。
- They sent the enemy ship to the bottom of the sea. 他们把敌舰击沉。
- What’s more important, the vicissitude of the later afforded the deep-seated background and impetus to the forer. 反过来,这一思潮变迁的过程,为“少中”同人的聚散离合提供了深层次的社会背景。
- Our future real property law should comply with the historical trend of the vicissitude of real property. 我国未来物权法应当顺应物权观念演进的历史潮流,实现由绝对物权到相对物权的历史性更新。
- The sea washes the base of the cliffs. 海水拍打著悬崖的底部。
- The ship sank clear to the bottom of the sea. 那艘船一直沈到海底。
- The lay of the ground hindered my view of the sea. 地形挡住了我的视线,使我看不见大海。
- These new flats will interrupt our view of the sea. 这些新公寓将遮住我们眺望海景的视野。
- Human's love has division of the vicissitudes of life. 人的爱情有悲欢离合之分。
- The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface. 海洋几乎占地球表面的四分之三。
- The novel described the vicissitudes of daily life. 这部小说描述了日常生活的变迁兴衰。
- Two closely shut old gates just like the vicissitude of a family. 紧闭着的两扇老门,象关着一个家族的变迁史。
- I felt comfortable sailing on the smoothness of the sea. 在平静的海面上航行我感到很舒服。
- They were lost at the sea, at the mercy of the wind and weather. 他们在海上迷了路,任凭风和天气的摆布。
- Stay flexible and recognize the vicissitudes of the market and of individual businesses. Or, own bonds. 始终对市场的变化保持灵活性。