- I won't dispute the justice of his remarks. 我不怀疑他的话是公平合理的。
- I see the justice of his remark. 我知道他所说的是正确的。
- I saw the justice of his remarks, and thence grew more attentive to my manner of writing, and determined to endeavor to improve my style. 我感到他言之有理,因而逐渐注意文章作法,决心努力加以改进。
- The justice of these remarks was clear to everyone. 人人都明白这些话是公正的。
- the justice of his remarks 他的正确评论
- We deplore the vitriolic nature of his remarks. 他言语中敌意昭彰; 我们深感遗憾.
- He had declared his intention of appealing to the justice of his country against your brutal persecutions! 他曾表示要向国家法官上诉,控告你残酷迫害。
- The subtlety of his remarks was unnoticed. 没有人觉察到他讲话的微妙之处。
- We tangled heatedly over the justice of the war. 我们就这场战争的正义性激烈地争了起来。
- The amount of his remarks is that ... 他的话总的意思是...
- Who can deny the justice of their cause? 谁能否认他们的追求是合理的呢?
- The acrimony of his remarks alienated his audience. 他说话尖刻, 这使观众和他疏远了。
- The justice of water purges defilement. 水的义气能扬清激浊,可以荡涤污垢。
- In the light of his remarks, we rejected her offer. 鉴于他的评语, 我们拒绝了她的提议。
- He was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant. 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。
- The outrageousness of his remark shocked me. 他讲话的粗俗令我震惊。
- The import of his remarks was that we should work harder. 他的演讲的含义是我们要更努力。
- We are persuaded of the justice of her case. 我们确信对她案件的审理是公正的。
- He stressed his remarks of his going. 他加重语气说,他必须去。
- The justice of these remarks cannot, I think, be disputed. 我想这理由的正确性是无容争辩的。