- the crescent darkness 渐浓的夜色
- Having two points or cusps, as the crescent moon. 有二尖端的有二尖端或尖头的,如月牙
- All around us was darkness and silence. Only the crescent moon gave off a cold glow. 四外漆黑,没有声音,只有月牙儿放出一道几冷光。
- Having two points or cusps,as the crescent moon. 有二尖端的有二尖端或尖头的,如月牙。
- While Daniel turned off the lamp, the crescent was like a loyal security guard lightening up the winding mountainside in the darkness protected him away from danger. 一弯弦月像忠贞的守卫,他关掉车灯,黑暗里眼前浮现一条白白的、蜿蜒的山路。
- The crescent of a new moon hung over the mulberry in the yard. 一弯新月高悬在院子里的桑树这上。
- The crescent moon had broken through the clouds, casting its faint beams from the fathomless dark blue night sky onto the hills and fields. 月牙透过云层把微光从深广的暗蓝色夜空撒向山丘的田野上。
- The crescent of a new noon hung over the mulberry in the yard. 一弯新月高悬在院子里的桑树之上。
- Nobody notices it is getting dark and that the crescent moon has secretly climbed upon the branch. 天不知不觉地黑了,月牙儿也悄悄爬上了枝头。
- Here, in here, I saw my old friend again - the crescent moon. 在这里,在这里,我又看见了我的好朋友,月牙儿!
- The crescent moon hangs in the past pale with sickness. 惨白的月弯弯勾住过往。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- The crescent moon setting over the limb of the Earth. 一弯浮在地球边缘的新月。
- The crescent was hanging in the sky, and a cool wind was blowing. 初月当空,一阵阵凉风吹过。
- But the crescent moon that was most familiar with my tears didn't appear this time. It was pitch dark, without even the glow of fireflies. 那最明白我的眼泪怎流的月牙这回没出来,这回只有黑暗,连点荧火的光也没有。
- A little lantern blinked in the darkness. 一盏小灯笼在黑暗中微微闪光。
- The beam of the searchlight pierced the darkness. 探照灯的光柱射入黑暗中。
- The crescent moon was covered by dark clouds. You were terrified, straying in the boundless moon overflowing. The only thing you could do .... 残月被乌云遮掩,你怔住了,迷失在这无穷的月色中,惟有流泪。他甩下这句话转身就走了,就这样走了。
- The crescent moon was covered by dark clouds.You were terrified, straying in the boundless moon overflowing.The only thing you could do was weeping. 残月被乌云遮掩,妳怔住暸,迷失在这无穷的月色中,惟有流泪。
- We managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness. 我们趁黑摆脱了追踪的人。