- The wound healed without leaving a scar. 伤好了, 没有留下伤疤。
- External application of Chuangshang Gao can enhance the quality and shorten the wound healing time. 创伤膏能够提高创面修复质量,缩短创面愈合时间。
- BSG+rhEGF comparing with SW? BSG and RHEGF have significant difference on the wound healing rate and time (P<0.05). BSG+rhEGF的伤口愈合率和伤口愈合时间与SW组(Salinewater;SW)、BSG组和rhEGF组比较均有显著差异(P<0.;05)。
- Abrasion: To stop bleeding, pain, the wound to prevent infection and promote wound healing. :止痛、止痒、预防和治疗烧伤创面感染,促进创面快速愈合。
- The wound healing of the midgestation fetal skin is characterized by scarless repair compared with that of the adult's. 胎儿与成人创面愈合不同之处在于前者无瘢痕形成,但具体机制尚不明确。
- The wound may not be enough to kill the buffalo, but the Komodo's bite contains venom that prevents the wound healing. 伤口不足以杀死水牛,但是科莫多龙那一口中包含着毒素以防止伤口愈合。
- The experiment indicates that glycine may proba- bly promote the wandering,thus it will be helpful for the wound healing of the skin. 提示甘氨酸可促进表皮细胞游走,有利于皮肤创伤愈合。
- BACKGROUND: Many studies show that ectogenic human platelet-derived growth factor B gene transfection can effectively promote the wound healing. 背景:许多研究显示外源性的人血小板源性生长B基因的转染可促进创伤的愈合。
- Low-level laser biostimulation can be applied in wound therapy to speed up the wound healing,prevent infection and relieve the pain. 弱激光生物刺激效应可应用于创伤治疗中,促进创伤愈合、预防与治疗创伤感染和缓解创伤疼痛等。
- Low-level laser biostimulation can be applied in wound therapy to speed up the wound healing, prevent infection and relieve the pain. 摘要弱激光生物刺激效应可应用于创伤治疗中,促进创伤愈合、预防与治疗创伤感染和缓解创伤疼痛等。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- Objective: To study the wound healing of occlusive functional dressings which was put on the wound in hot and humid environment (HHE). 目的:研究湿热环境下密闭性功能敷料对创伤康复的影响。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- Lumbricus is inexpensive and easily preserved,and could be used on the wound after hemorroidectomy to accelerate wound healing. 该制剂价廉,易保存,可用于痔术后创面以促进其愈合。
- Conclusion: The key points for the wound healing are the continuous psychological care, a perfect diet recipe and the proper nasal feeding method. 结论:进行全程心理护理、科学配制膳食及掌握正确的鼻饲方法可促进伤口早期愈合。
- The goals of the early phase were to promote the wound healing and to decrease the edema by ultrashort wave and ultraviolet. 早期康复目的主要是消炎消肿,采用超短波及紫外线照射,控制伤口感染,促进伤口愈合,改善血运,保证修复组织的正常愈合。
- The wound healed clean, but it left a little white scar. 伤口愈合后,只留下一个小白疤。
- And the wound healed without aid of herbs or of grass. 帮助伤口愈合、草药或无草。
- Results 1023 co agent can decreased the incidence of wound infection,and the wound healing period were shorted by 1.4 days( P < 0.01 ). 结果动物实验结果表明1023用药组可使伤口感染率下降;伤口愈合率平均提前1。4天(P<0。01)。