- The worst kind of interviewer is the blowhard. 爱吹牛的人是最差劲的面试官。
- This will show up as the worst kind of error, a run-time error. 这将产生一种最糟糕的错误,运行时错误。
- The worst kinds of fat are trans fats and saturated fats. 最坏的发式脂肪和饱和脂肪的。
- He said harshly, "That's the worst kind of juvenile crap I've ever heard. 他粗声粗气他说:“你这些话,简直就像从小青年嘴里冒出来的最荒诞不经的胡言乱语。
- She seemed to think every man I a suit was bourgeois, which was just inverted snobbery of the worst kind. 她似乎认为穿西服的人都是资产阶级分子,这是最极端的反势利行为。
- "You acted like the worst kind of degenerates," the judge said harshly. “你们做得象那种最堕落的人,”法官严厉地说道。
- "It's the worst kind of Monday morning quarterbacking [second-guessing]. 他说,“这是星期一早晨最糟糕的批评。
- Chromeplating liquid hydrogen evolution is the worst kind of bath, hydrogen on coatings. 镀铬液是析氢最惨重的一栽镀液,析氢差镀层的感化极大。
- To paraphrase Winston Churchill, it is the worst kind of accounting, except for all the others. 正如丘吉尔所说,如果没有其它的会计,公允价值是最差的一种会计。
- Egad! A ZIPPER monster! That's the worst kind! 天哪!一个拉链怪!最可怕的一种!
- The worst kind of boyfriend is someone who's indifferent because a jealous or short-tempered boyfriend will at least take the time to get angry at you. 世上最难接受的不是一个嫉妒或脾气暴躁的男人,而是一个对你毫不在乎的人,起码前者会花一点力来为你发脾气。
- In the film, they are described as "the worst kind of Muggles" because of their objection to imagination and creativity. 在电影里,因为他们对想象力与创造性的排斥,他们被称为“最差的麻瓜”。
- "The worst kind of fashion disaster is banality and conformity.The biggest source of boredom is the obsession to be politically correct. 最可怕的时装灾难是陈腐和千篇一律;讲求政治式的正确是无聊的最大成因.
- Some people drop litter about. We can call them litter bugs. The worst kind of litter bug is the person who spits chewing gum about after use. 有些人乱扔废物,我们可以把他们叫做垃圾虫。最可恶的垃圾虫是吃完口香糖之后乱吐的人。
- Refresher Hold x1 BECOMING AN ASSIST!!! Ringmaster AoE Build is the worst kind of build out of all other jobclasses that can AoE. 守护的拖怪技能是所有可以拖怪升级职业里最糟糕的一个。。
- If you are writing about baloney,don't try to make it Cornish hen,because that is the worst kind of baloney there is.Just make it darned good baloney. 如果你要写废话,也要写的像个样子,不要写的粗糙低俗。
- If you are writing about baloney, don't try to make it Cornish hen, because that is the worst kind of baloney there is. Just make it darned good baloney. 如果你要写废话,也要写得像样,不要写得低俗。
- Edward Rendell, the Democratic governor and former mayor of Philadelphia, retorted that this was “hogwash” and “the worst kind of political grandstanding”. 民主党州长和前费城市长EdwardRendell则反驳说这是“狗屎”和“最低劣的政治秀”。
- This is a bad kind of soil for growing wheat. 这是一种不适宜于种植小麦的土壤。
- Plenty of money often drew out the worst in people. 大量的钱财往往使人显露出最坏的本质。