- North America has the world rs best climate for wild grapes. 北美的气候是世界上最适合野生葡萄生长的。
- The dome of St. Paul Cathedral is well known in the world. 圣保罗教堂的圆顶闻名于世。
- I am the world rs worst businessman. 我最不会做生意。
- He has already been well known in the world. 他已经名扬天下了。
- The best known president in the world is George Bush. 世界上最知名的总统是乔治布什。
- It is one of the world rs finest tobaccos. 这是世界上最好的香烟之一。
- Bill Gates is perhaps the world's best known entrepreneur. 比尔.;盖茨可能是全世界最知名的企业家。
- The world's best known coffee seller, however, resisted the idea. 不过,世界最知名的咖啡销售商反对这个做法。
- China boasts the world rs largest number of lakes on plateaus. 中国是世界上高原湖泊最多的国家。
- He went to Chicago to try his luck in the World rs Fair. 他去芝加哥的世界博览会去碰碰运气。
- Most of the world rs wheat is grown in the North Temperate zone. 世界上大部分小麦种植在北温带。
- The Turpan Basin in Xinjiang is the world rs lowest-lying basin. 中国新疆的吐鲁番盆地是世界最低的盆地。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- The Blue Whale is the world rs largest living animal. 蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。
- Switzerland is well known as one of the cleanest countries in the world. 瑞士以世界上最干净的国家之一而闻名。
- The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world rs surface. 海洋几乎占地球表面的四分之三。
- Such ideas will only lead the world rs people astray. 这种思想只能把世人引入歧途。
- As a famous Japanese director, Takeshi Kitano is well known in the world. 摘要作为日本著名导演,北野武在世界范围内广受关注。
- The sea is the world rs greatest storehouse of raw materials. 海洋是世界上最大的原料宝库。
- His charming character The Little Tramp is well known throughout the world. 他所塑造的“小流浪汉”的可爱角色依旧闻名于世。