- Pay attention to the word order of this sentences together. Can you correct the mistake? 注意这句话的语气,你能纠正这个错误吗?
- This sentence is in the inverted order. The word order in Chinese is often different from that in English. 这个句子的语序是倒装的。你能把它改成正常的语序吗?
- The word order of a clause is different when the clause is a statement, a question, or a command. 陈述句,疑问句和祈使句的语序各不相同。
- Pay attention to the word order. The word order in Chinese is often different from that in English. 注意语序。汉语的语序往往与英语的不同。
- Except for the adverbial modifiers of purpose or paralanguage we need not rearrange the word order while translating . 由于山姆说话时喘着粗气,每讲一次话都要耗费他体内一大部分元气,所以在最后那些年里他没说太多的话。
- The second chapter is about the word order of multi-adverbial which formed by several noun pharse. 第三部分共包括四章,论述了相同词性的多项状语的语序规则。
- Meanwhile, it points out, from a rhetorical angle, that deliberately applying the change of the word order will create unique rhetor... 同时从修辞的角度,指出有意识地运用语序变化,可以造成独特巧妙的修辞效果。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- The typical sentential form in Chinese is: "subject + predicate + object ", On the contrary, the word order in Japanese sentences is: "subject + object + predicate ". 汉语中最典型的句型格式为“主+谓+宾(SOV)”,日语最典型的句型格式则为“主+宾+谓(SVO)”。
- The word order of "structure of compound directional complementation+object" is an important question.It is the key that the structure is more complex than others. 动趋式中的“复合动趋式+宾语”的语序问题,是动趋结构比其他结构复杂的关键所在,其用法之复杂、意义之多样、形式之灵活,充分体现了汉语语法构造的独特性。
- The word is an adjunct of that verb. 这个词是那个动词的修饰语。
- The word is a temporal conjunction. 该词是表示时间的连词。
- I don't budge till I get the word from Mike. 迈克不叫我走,我怎么也不会走。
- The word order is wrong. 语序错了。
- The word has attained general currency. 这个词已经通用起来了。
- I don't understand what the word means. 我不懂这个词是什么意思。
- Is the word order right? 语序对吗?
- This study puts forward multi-keywords synthesizing weighted method which combines the words order feature,and improves the current methods. 进而提出结合词序特征的多关键词综合加权方法,对多关键词加权方法做重要改进;
- The word "lady" has two syllables. "lady"这个字有两个音节。
- American people use the word "fall" to mean autumn. 美国人用"fall"这个字来表示秋天。