- This model provides some useful suggestion for the wireless sensor networks system design that is equipped with PIR sensor. 该模型对配备被动式红外传感器的无线传感网络的系统设计具有指导意义。
- This model provides some useful suggestion for the wireless sensor networks system design that is equipped with Pill sensor. 该模型对配备被动式红外传感器的无线传感网络的系统设计具有指导意义。
- The wireless sensor network because of its great application prospect,has become the computer and communication domain active research branch. 无线传感器网络因其巨大的应用前景,已成为计算机与通信领域一个活跃的研究分支。
- How to integrate the solid state electrochemistry sensor and the wireless sensor network to realize the vehicle exhaust on-line monitoring was discussed. 讨论了如何将固态电化学传感器与无线传感器网络相结合,来实现机动车尾气在线监测。
- The research of the wireless sensor network gradually gets the focus from the industrial and academe.It has a great application future in the military and civil area. 无线传感器网络己逐渐成为工业界及学术界的一个研究热点,在军事和民用领域有着非常广阔的应用前景。
- The wireless sensor network will play an important role in SHM for its high density, low-power consumption, less assembling time and locating nodes nimbly. 无线传感器网络以其高密度、低功耗、低维修费用、易于安装、布点灵活等优点在健康监测中将发挥重要作用。
- We introduce the composing and characteristics of the wireless sensor networks, discuss the information fusion definition, three hierarchical structures and compara their characters. 摘要介绍了无线传感器网络的组成及特点,讨论了信息融合的定义、处理层次及三种方法的特性比较。
- In this dissertation, the principle and framework of the Wireless Sensor Network have been introduced, the feature, part of embedded system and its application in TPMS have been analyzed. 本文分析了无线传感器网络的原理与架构,阐述了嵌入式系统的特点与组成及其在汽车轮胎胎压检测系统(TPMS)中的应用。
- Surveys the Track Goal with the Wireless Sensor Network 用无线传感器网络探测跟踪目标
- Application of the Wireless Sensor Network in Command Automation 无线传感器网络在军队指挥自动化建设中的应用
- An Algorithm for Achieving the Expansibility of the Wireless Sensor Network Size 无线传感器网络规模可扩展性的实现算法
- Power-Efficient Node Localization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks. 无线传感器网络中基于模式序列分类的分布式数据流过滤方法.
- This paper introduced a security scheme for wireless sensor networks. 摘要提出了一种无线传感器网络安全方案。
- Cluster-head Selection Enhancing Arithmetic of the Wireless Sensor Network Clustering Router Protocols 无线传感器网络路由协议分簇簇头选择改进算法
- Wireless sensor networks(WSN) are novel technologies,and can be applied to both abominable and military environments. 无线传感器网络是一种全新的技术,能够广泛应用于恶劣环境和军事领域中。
- To improve the energy efficiency is one key problem of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) research. 摘要提高能量效率是无线传感器网络研究的关键技术之一。
- It is very difficult to get the security in sensor networks because of the limited resources of nodes and the wireless communication between nodes. 摘要传感器网络中节点有限的资源以及采用无线的方式转发数据使得在传感器网络内的安全性目标很难实现。
- Presented a key predistribution scheme based on hierarchical grid which is suitable for wireless sensor networks. 基于分层网格提出了一种新的适用于无线传感器网络的密钥预分配方案。
- Nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSN) use batteries as their energy supply, which restrains their energy consumption. 摘要由于无线传感器网络节点使用干电池和纽扣电池供电的特点,限制了网络节点能量的使用。
- Our scheme can deal with both group key and pairwise key, which are the same important for wireless sensor networks. 我们的这个机制同时考虑到了群体金钥以及成对金钥。