- But why would the Western nations be interested in Tibet's autarchy? 但是为什么西方国家对西藏的独裁感兴趣?
- Russia and the Western nations presented a united front against Germany in World War II. 俄国与西方国家在二战期间组成联合阵线与德国作战。
- Western nations imposed tough sanctions on the country. 西方各国对这个国家实行了严厉制裁。
- The Western nations, in particular, have always regarded the Chinese culture as a curiosity and an exotica, as it is so totally different from theirs. 西方国家一向对中华文化感到好奇,总觉得它是充满令人兴奋的一种文化,因为中华文化跟他们自己的文化大不相同。
- The Western nations have always regarded the Chinese culture as a curiosity and an exotica,as it is so totally different from theirs. 西方国家一向对中华文化感到好奇,总觉得它是充满令人兴奋的一种文化,因为中华文化跟他们自己的文化大不相同。
- The Western nations,in particular,have always regarded the Chinese culture as a curiosity and an exotica,as it is so totally different from theirs. 西方国家一向对中华文化感到好奇,总觉得它是充满令人兴奋的一种文化,因为中华文化跟他们自己的文化大不相同。
- The inward dialecticality of metaphysics is rooted into the cultural reality and activity of the western nation. 形而上学的内在辩证性根植于西方民族的文化现实和文化实践活动之中。
- Because the western nations sold opium in China, it ended up that China had to cede territory and pay indemnities to them. 而另一方面,中国却像是西方文明的受害者,可怜兮兮的。哪一个才是她本来的面目呢?
- The Western nations have always regarded the Chinese culture as a curiosity and an exotica, as it is so totally different from theirs. 西方国家一向对中华文化感到好奇,总觉得它是充满令人兴奋的一种文化,因为中华文化跟他们自己的文化大不相同。
- Women's liberation, in China or in the Western nations, have been proceding with the catchword of "gender equality" for a long time. 摘要中西方的妇女解放运动长期以来都是在“男女平等”的口号下进行的。
- The days when a deal on trade or climate change could be cooked up by the Western nations (and Japan) represented at the G8 are over. 以前关于贸易或气候变化的条约只需要几个西方国家(包括日本)代表在G8峰会上炮进行谈判就可以炮制出来,然而这样的日子已经成为了过去。
- The Western scientists of the day didn't know it. 当时的西方科学家还不知道这一点。
- To a certain degree, we should acknowledge, compared with the western nation reform, our country government apparatus reformed still is at the exploration stage. 应该承认,与西方国家的改革相比,我国的政府机构改革仍处于探索阶段,总体来说是不够成熟的。
- It was Hart who created the basic formula of the western film. 正是这个哈特创造了西部电影的基本格局。
- "The Western nations," he told me, "Just don't seem to understand the depth of feeling there is in the Middle East about the issues of colonisation, oil exploitation and globalization". “西方国家,”他告诉我,“似乎还没有从深层了解中东人民对殖民、石油开发和全球化这些问题的感受。”
- The Western Hemisphere refers to North and South America. 西半球是指南北美洲。
- He thinks the western nation therefore can obtain the control status in the world, the main reason lies in the nationalism thought being in vogue. 他认为西方国家之所以能够在世界上取得支配性地位,主要原因在于民族主义思想的盛行。
- The western part of America was lawless 200 years ago. 二百年前,美国西部是没有法纪的。
- At sunset, there was a bar of red across the western sky. 日落时,西边天空有一道红晖。
- I'll emigrate to the western woods. 我要移居到西部的丛林里去。