- rail minister 铁道部长
- Besides,patients with old age,spouseless,divorce,low-income family and at one's own expenses got much lower level of social support. They are the weak group in social support. 老年、丧偶、离异、家庭年收入低和完全自费的透析患者获得的社会支持更低,是社会支持较低的弱势群体。
- Penman thinks that the body-building of the weak group among citizens in our country needs paying more attention to and supporting by our government and society. 笔者分析认为,城镇弱势群体的健身活动需要得到政府和社会进一步的重视和支持。
- Especially, defining the weak in weak group shows the default of the idea of human rights, so it is difficult to give human concern for the weak and put the idea into practice. 尤其以弱势群体来称谓或定义弱者概念,表明以往弱者人权思想均存在一些欠缺,难于把弱者人权保护落实到对弱者个体的人文关怀。
- Besides, there exists a paralogism about community involvement in tourism development.That is community as the host is often neglected in the process of tourism development as the weak group. 此外,社区参与旅游发展方面也出现了令人困惑的现象,即作为“主人”的社区却往往是“弱势群体”。
- It also cooperates with NPOs and NGOs in the States, Taiwan, Australia to help the poor and the weak group to get their social rights, develop the youth education and improve the environment. 以扶贫济困、弱势群体权益维护、青少年发展、环境与灾害为核心工作领域,虽开展公益活动多样,但核心明确,其中有一些涉及紧急救助。
- On Legal Protection to the Weak Group 试论对弱势群体的法律保护
- On Social Work and Solicitude for the Weak Group 论社会工作与弱势群体关怀
- Some Problems of the Research on the Weak Group 试析弱势群体研究的几个问题
- Serve the Weak Group and Disseminate Humanism 服务弱势群体传播人文精神
- On the social security system for the weak group 论我国现阶段关于弱势群体社会保障立法状况及其发展
- The weak speaker made a speech on the bleak peak. 虚弱的讲话者在荒凉的山峰上发表了演说。
- The first round group match, Rome improbable 1-2 home defeat of the strength of the weakest group of teams Cluj Romania, and Bordeaux in Stanford Bridge, Chelsea were swept 4-0. 首轮小组赛,罗马主场爆冷1-2不敌本组实力最弱的罗马尼亚球队克卢日,而波尔多则在斯坦福桥被切尔西4-0横扫。
- The strong should not tyrannize the weak. 强者不该欺压弱者。
- The gardener pinched out the weak shoot on a plant. 园林工人掐掉植物上发育不良的芽。
- The reduction cleaves the weak N-O bond. 这种还原反应致使弱的N-O键开裂。
- Here was the weak link in Blue, and we knew it. 我们明知这是蓝色方案的薄弱环节。
- The strong dominate over the weak. 强者支配行弱者。
- Skiing remained the weak spot of the Chinese team. 滑雪仍是中国队的弱项。
- Happiness is a delusion of the weak. 快乐是弱者的错觉。