- It reflects the vicissitude of society. 它反映了社会的变迁兴衰。
- He was battling against the vicissitudes of life. 他在每况愈下的生活中奋斗。
- The history book recorded the details of the vicissitude of times. 这本史书详细地记述了时代的变迁。
- The novel described the vicissitudes of daily life. 这部小说描述了日常生活的变迁兴衰。
- the vicissitude of values 价值观变迁
- Two closely shut old gates just like the vicissitude of a family. 紧闭着的两扇老门,象关着一个家族的变迁史。
- He told us the vicissitudes of a lake branch. 他给我们讲述了一个湖汊的变迁史。
- She has experienced the vicissitudes of life. 她一生饱经沧桑。
- The future is so uncertain that we cannot know all the vicissitude of our fortunes. 未来是无法确定的,我们无法知道将来命运所有的变化。
- An average english house combine all the curse of civilization with the vicissitude of life in the open. 一个普通的英国家庭,是把文明的所有一切祸根与人生的沉浮结合在一起的。
- They passed through all the vicissitudes of the Polish nation. 他们和波兰共患难,历尽种种沧桑。
- The fire of youth consumes the vicissitudes of life. 带着青春的火花,然后生活中的繁琐。
- What’s more important, the vicissitude of the later afforded the deep-seated background and impetus to the forer. 反过来,这一思潮变迁的过程,为“少中”同人的聚散离合提供了深层次的社会背景。
- Our future real property law should comply with the historical trend of the vicissitude of real property. 我国未来物权法应当顺应物权观念演进的历史潮流,实现由绝对物权到相对物权的历史性更新。
- EXMP: the novel described the vicissitudes of daily life. 这部小说描述了日常生活的变迁兴衰。
- The law has a close relationship with the ethic and the evolution of ethical conception promotes the vicissitude of law. 法律与伦理道德是密切联系的,伦理道德观念的变化将对法律的发展变化产生重要影响。
- For the whole twentieth century, the vicissitude of international communism movement is a process of great Utopia's disillusion. 对于二十世纪来说,共产主义运动的兴起和覆没,是一个伟大的乌托邦梦想的破灭过程。
- Because of their limited space, comic sketches tend to reflect the vicissitude of social mentality instead of directly exhibiting important issues. 喜剧小品因篇幅限制一般不正面表现重大题材,但是它能反映社会心理变迁。
- Used to initialize a default set of values for the. 对象的默认值集。
- Therefore, critque of such an approach is nessarily connected with the collapse of the cold-war pattern and reflects the vicissitude of the power of the capitalist countries. 对结构主义语言学的批判与二战后全球爆发的革命运动并导致冷战格局瓦解之间存在着必然的联系。