- One would be that a woman's choice of perfume will resist the vagaries of fashion. 其中之一就是,女人对香水的偏好的选择不随时尚的变化而变化。
- The length of women's hair may no longer be seen as a result of the vagaries of fashion, but as an accurate barometer of the nation's wealth. 女性头发的长度不再单单是彰显个性或者时尚的信号了,它也成为了国家经济的晴雨表。
- When you're struggling to fit into your skinny jeans after a weekend encounter with a pan of brownies this may be hard to appreciate, but survival trumps the vagaries of fashion every time. 当你在一个周末吃了一盘巧克力蛋糕后努力想要把腿塞进过瘦的牛仔裤时,话就不能这么说了,不过相对于对时尚的好奇来讲,生存之道在每一个关键时刻都更显重要。
- We cannot keep up with the vagaries of his mind. 我们跟不上他的异想天开的速度。
- the vagaries of fashion, the weather, the postal service 时髦样 式﹑ 天气﹑ 邮政服务措施的变幻莫测.
- Was buffeted about from job to job by the vagaries of the economy. 被难以预测的经济冲击从一个工作换到另一个工作
- the vagaries of fashion 时尚之不可捉摸
- The policy did not allow for the vagaries of Nkruman. 这个政策并没有估计到恩克鲁玛的反复无常。
- Chu's introduction to the vagaries of Chinese power came in 1999. 朱讲述的中国电力部门意想不到的事情是发生于1999年。
- Those are expressly designed to illustrate the vagaries of Leibnizian notation. 那些是用来说明莱布尼兹记号的巧妙想法。
- The vagaries of inclement weather conditions are avoided to a certain extent. 可以在一定程度上避免变化莫测的恶劣气候影响。
- During this period Jennie received her earliest lesson in the vagaries of man. 在这期间,珍妮就受到了男子变心的最初教训。
- Those with commodities to sell suffer from the vagaries of global prices. 而那些需要出售日用品遭受反复无常的全球价格的困扰。
- Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly. 俚语常常很快地流行,又很快地过时。
- Agriculture in the twenty-first century will continue to be playued by the vagaries of weather. 21世纪的农业将继续面临反复无常的气候灾害。
- The vagaries of collection over 12 hours are so great that shorter collecting periods are preferable. 收集时间超过12小时发生难以预测的变异会太大,以采用较短的收集时间为好。
- Its climate is subjected to the vagaries of both tropical and extratropical weather systems. 盛行之地,气候受到变化多端的热带及温带系统支配。
- It has grown out of fashion [date]. 它已经不时兴[过时]了。
- Agriculture in the twenty-first century will continue to be plagued by the vagaries of weather. 21世纪的农业将继续面临反复无常的气候灾害。
- He understands the vagaries of business. He is very supportive of what we are doing and pleased with our progress. 他懂得商业的变幻莫测。他非常支持我们的工作,也很满意我们取得的成就。