- The presence of hemoglobin in the urine. 血红蛋白尿尿液中出现血红蛋白
- Some blood may escape into the urine. 一些血液可能流入尿中。
- The presence of blood in the urine. 血尿尿(液)中出现血(液)
- To discharge(blood, for example) in the urine. 尿血等在小便中尿(血等)
- The urine pregnancy test proves to be positive. 尿妊娠检验结果呈阳性。
- Is this cup for the urine sample perfectly clean? 这个装尿样的杯子是否绝对干净?
- How do cure the urine ramification? 如何治疗尿分叉?
- Under the urine will damage cherry? 下尿管会不会损坏处女膜?
- Eggs are excreted in the urine and feces. 虫卵从尿、粪中排出。
- The urine is laden with leukocytes. 尿中布满白细胞。
- An excess of phosphates in the urine. 高磷酸盐尿尿中磷酸盐过量
- Where shall I take the urine (blood) sample? 尿样(血样)检查在什么地方进行?
- These waste products become part of the urine. 这些代谢废物成为了尿的一部分。
- When was the urine sample collected? 尿样是什么时候收集的?
- An estrogenic hormone,C18H24O3,found in the urine during pregnancy. 雌三醇在怀孕妇女的尿中发现的一种雌激素,
- Excess sugar in the urine, often associated with diabetes mellitus. 糖尿尿中反常量的糖,常与糖尿病有关
- Excretion of excessive amounts of sodium in the urine. 尿钠排泄增加尿中丢失大量的钠阳离子
- Increase of nitrogenous substances, especially urea, in the urine. 氮尿氮物质的增加,特别是尿里的尿素
- Increase of nitrogenous substances,especially urea,in the urine. 氮尿氮物质的增加,特别是尿里的尿素。
- These wastes are finally eliminated from the body in the urine . 这些废物最后从尿中排除体外。