- Overlapping tunnels have emerged in facilitating the underground space utilization. 由于地下空间的不断利用。
- The underground space becomes the inevitable choice of city development as potential and abundant resources. 地下空间作为潜在而丰富的资源成为城市发展的必然选择。
- On the other side, the underground space in central district became an act of conglomerating. 另一方面中心区地下空间 的大规模开发促进城市局部高强度开发,呈 团块状发展。
- The synthetic benefits of the development can be guaranteed only by giving full play to the underground space functions. 只有充分发挥地下空间建筑功能才能确保地下空间开发利用的综合效益。
- Moreover the article brings forward the policy and law system matching with metro construction, which makes the underground space development and utilization regularly. 同时科学地、系统地提出在地铁建设中应配套的政策法律体系,使地下空间开发利用有章可循。
- Based on literature datum and practice work, the article studies the policy system which matches the underground space development in area of Beijing metro station to target at this condition. 针对这种现状,结合查阅的文献资料和实际的项目工作,文章对北京地铁站域地下空间开发所需要配套的法律政策进行了系统的研究。
- There is a new blasting technology which utilizes the explosion effect of the explosive to compact the soil to form the underground space with the non-compacted material as the cushion. 一种新型爆破工艺,需要采用不可压缩介质作垫层,利用炸药的爆炸作用对粘土进行挤压,形成地下空间。
- After passing through security, visitors walk down a huge staircase or take an elevator to a huge room called Emancipation Hall.Sunlight enters the underground space through two skylights. 通过安检后,参观者向下走过巨大的楼梯或是乘电梯到达一个叫解放大厅的地方,阳光从两扇天窗进入地下空间。
- They blow air through a small hole in the bottom to send smoke into the underground spaces acquire rice leavewhere rats live. 他们通过一个在底部的小洞吹这个空气为了把烟送到地下的老鼠居住的空间。
- development of the underground space 地下空间开发利用
- functions of the underground space 地下空间功能
- There will be the underground level. 地图有地下层次。
- Do You Still Remember the Underground Age? 是否还记得那段地下的青春期?
- He regains his senses in the underground prison. 意识回复的时候他已经在地牢里了。
- A purp was sleeping in the underground aisle. 在地铁过道酣睡的小狗狗。
- Planning of city underground space II. 城市地下空间规划2。
- We travelled across London on the underground. 我们乘地铁穿过伦敦。
- Where is the underground entrance? 地铁入口在哪里?
- The underground can start and stop quickly. 地铁启动和停止很快。
- A Study on the Underground Space of Downtown Beijing 北京市商业区地下空间评估