- The teenager banged up the car of his mother. 这个孩子弄坏了她妈妈的车子。
- Does the teenager have to pay the adult fare? 青少年是否也与成人同样票价?
- "I work at getting well," the teenager replied. “我只想慢慢好起来。”孩子回答说。
- The teenager ran away after being punished. 那个少年在受到惩罚后逃走了。
- The life of the teenager is far from easy. 给非常特别的你(序)一个十多岁孩子的生活并不容易。
- The troops later discover the teenager was unarmed. 他们随后又发现了无武装的青少年。
- The teenagers were rocking about. 那群少年正合着摇摆音乐的节拍跳舞。
- This clothing sells well to the teenage market. 这种衣服在青少年中间很畅销。
- The teenager threw himself at the speeding train. 那位少年扑向疾驰的火车。
- Still laughing, the Teenager glances at Ralph, Jr. 少年还在大笑,他瞥了小拉尔夫一眼。
- Consider the problems of the teenager contra those of the adult. 考虑与成年人问题相反的青少年问题。
- Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager's door. 顶尖级戏剧演员代理人正纷纷把目光投向那个十多岁的孩子。
- The teenager was nearly numbed out when they brought her in. 这个十来岁的丫头被人们扶进屋时,只见她反应迟钝,浑身无力。
- The teenage gangs are ready for a rumBle. 那些青少年团伙正准备在街上打群架。
- The teenager's adulation of the top group worried her parents. 十几岁的女儿吹捧流行歌星使父母很忧虑。
- The teenagers went out back and smoked a joint. 十几岁的孩子们去后院吸有大麻的香烟了。
- The teenager wrapped his car around the fire hydrant. 这名青少年开车绕过消防栓。
- The film footage clearly showed the policeman hitting the teenager. 从该电影片段清楚可见警察殴打青少年。
- The teenage girls are very pretty and innocent. 十几岁正是女孩儿最清纯的年龄。
- Do you know the teenager wearing skin-tight trousers? 你认识那位穿著紧身裤的青少年吗?