- How to adapt the new form to reform the teaching contents,teaching methods and teaching means is important to the teachers to improve the teaching quality. 如何顺应新形式的要求,针对课程理论与实践方面的教学内容、教学方法、教学手段进行改革,努力提高课程教学质量是任课教师需要认真思考并在实践中不断探索的。
- This paper gives some sugestions about how to utilize multimedia and combine it with traditional teaching means to improve the teaching quality of pharmacology. 药理学教学可根据其学科特点、教与学的主体、教学内容、教学步骤等进行合理设计,利用多媒体来提高教学质量。
- Results According to the problems, we carried on a series of teaching reform concluding the teaching material, teaching means, teaching methods, teacher structure. 结果针对以上问题,进行教学改革,包括教材、教学手段、教学方法、教师结构的改革。
- The teaching quality and effectiveness of Modern Chinese Language is closely linked with its syllabus, its teaching means and approaches, and students' ability training. 摘要现代汉语教学实践性很强,其教学质量的高低、教学效果的好坏与教学大纲、教学手段、教学方法和能力训练紧密相联。
- Compared with traditional teaching means and patterns, the application of multimedia in the teaching of medical parasitology was discussed from two aspects of theoretics and experimentation. 与传统的教学模式和教学方法比较,从理论教学和实验教学两个方面探讨多媒体在寄生虫学教学中的运用。
- Because of the superiority of open source code, the analysis of Linux source code not only has the teaching meaning, but also owns the scientific meaning. 因为具有开放源代码的巨大优势,Linux操作系统源代码的分析不仅具有教学意义,同时还具有科研意义。
- The teaching method marked a now epoch in education. 这种教学方法标志着教育的新时代。
- The teaching staff numbers twenty-two, fifteen women and seven men. 教师有22人; 15位女教师,7位男教师。
- Second, teaching means freedom and independence. 二、教学手段自由和独立。
- The news caused a flutter among the teaching staff. 这个消息在全体教师中引起了不安。
- The teaching staff of an educational institution. 学校的全体教师。
- The teaching staff speak as one man on this issue. 在这个问题上全体教员意见一致。
- We managed to get the teaching plan out on time. 我们终于及时制定出了教学计划。
- The teaching plan includes seven parts. 包括七部分。
- Experimental research of the teaching means for the speed skating beginner 速滑初学者冰上教学手段的实验研究
- The teaching plan was being discussed at that time. 那时正在讨论教学计划。
- He read a paper on the teaching of English. 他买了一张报纸。
- Is the teaching method used conducive to learning? 所用的教学方式是否有利于本班学生的学习?
- Third. the renewal of the teaching content. 三是教学内容的更新。
- Duality of teaching means pre-design and generative in the process of teaching. 摘要教学二重性指教学过程中的预设性和生成性。