- So spake she, and the horned bull made answer to her again: Take courage, maiden, and dread not the swell of the deep. 她说完这些话,那长了角的牡牛回答道:鼓起勇气,姑娘,不要害怕大海的波滔。
- The tone of the meeting was pleasant and innocuous. 会见的调子是令人愉快和坦率的。
- So spake she,and the horned bull made answer to her again: Take courage,maiden,and dread not the swell of the deep. 她说完这些话,那长了角的牡牛回答道:鼓起勇气,姑娘,不要害怕大海的波滔。
- Overall, the tone of the book is satirical/the book is satirical in tone. 总的说来,这本书是讽刺性的。
- No landmass slows the swell of the southern oceans. Sea birds nest on wind-lashed islands. 没有哪块大陆能够阻挡南海的怒涛。但海鸟却能在狂风席卷的小岛上筑巢安家。
- A clergyman improved the tone of the meeting. 一个牧师使会场的气氛突然紧张起来。
- The tone of the note surprised the young man. 这条子的语气使年轻人吃了一惊。
- I tuned the tone of the stone phone with a bone. 我用骨头调整了石质耳机的音调。
- I tuned the tone of the stone phone with bone. 我用骨头调整了石质耳机的音调。
- Also the river is seriously silted up causing the swelling of the river water. 此外河沙严重的淤积造成了河水泛滥。
- the swell of the tone 音调的提高
- I could see the swell of her breasts through her blouse. 透过她的短衫,我看得出她隆起的胸部。
- The tone of the letter displeased her. 这封信的语气使她感到不快。
- This standard sets the tone of the entire lesson. 该条例就是整个课程基调。
- Methods:Using the models of the swelling of mouse ear, and rat carrageenin paw edema. 方法:用二甲苯致鼠耳肿胀法及角叉菜胶致大鼠足肿胀法观察药物作用。
- Methods: Using the models of the swelling of mouse ear, and rat carrageenin paw edema. 方法:用二甲苯致鼠耳肿胀法及角叉菜胶致大鼠足肿胀法观察药物作用。
- The swelling of the face or neck areas can indicate a spreading of the cancer beyond the mesothelium. 面部或颈部区域的肿胀可能预示癌症已播散。
- The experimental results are explained in the view of the swelling of the polymer chain and percolation theory. 回应的重复稳定性受炭黑粒子分散行为的影响,从聚合物溶胀行为及逾渗导电理论解释了实验结果。
- The results showed that the cutting-ovary pollination method could obviously improve the swelling of the capsules. 结果表明:采用切割子房直接授粉的方式较容易克服受精前障碍,获得较高的子房膨大率。