- We are in substantial agreement. 我们实际上意见一致。
- The stories told by the two boys are in substantial agreement. 那两个男孩讲的情况基本一致。
- I care more about the spiritual life than the substantial life. 和物质生活相比,我更注重精神生活。
- The two stories were in substantial agreement. 这两则故事大体上一致。
- The story told by the two boys is in substantial agreement. 那两个男孩讲的情况基本一致。
- Though they disagreed the details, they were in substantial agreement over the plan. 虽然他们在细节的意见上不一致,但他们大体上同意这个计划。
- Though they disagreed over the details, they were in substantial agreement over the plan. 虽然他们在细节的意见上不一致,但他们大体上同意这个计划。
- The tenderer and the winning bidder may not conclude any other agreement contrary to the substantial contents of the contract. 招标人和中标人不得再行订立背离合同实质性内容的其他协议。
- Next, toilet also is the substantial that the function configures. 其次,卫生间也是功能配置的重要部分。
- The substantial sincerity of his words moved the jury. 他的话里真实的诚挚感动了陪审团。
- CT inter-rater reliability showed substantial agreement for diagnoses of both normal and ankylosis and fair agreement for lesser degrees of facet arthrosis. 可靠的CT相互评价者显示无论是正常还是关节强硬的诊断实际上一致的,分级较低的小关节突性关节炎中等一致。
- The substantial public money spent can be better utilised for more needy purposes. 这些公款,可以用在更逼切的用途上。
- Liquor distil is one of the substantial evidences in origin investigation. 摘要白酒蒸馏器是研究我国起源的重要实物证据之一。
- Verifying whether the substantial items such as the names, specifications, types, quantity, production places, manufacturing date, functional conditions and prices conform to the contract or agreement. 核查货物的品名、规格、型号、数量、产地、制造日期、新旧状况、价格等货物的实体状况是否与合同或者协议相符。
- The article is devoid of substantial matter. 这篇文章缺乏实质性的内容。
- I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. 我被迫违心地在协议上签了字。
- Members also noted the substantial unilateral tariff reductions made in many sectors by China in recent years. 成员们还注意到中国最近几年在许多部门单方面的实质性关税削减。
- The substantial part of the constitution about the institution of institutes is substituted. 宪法中有关设立协会的实质性部分被替换。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。
- Indeed, courts increasingly see a "convergence" between the arbitrariness test and the substantial evidence test. 实际上,法院不断地目睹着主观武断标准和主证据标准之间的"趋同现象"。