- Found in rain forests of Malaysia and Indonesia, the flowers emit the stench of rotting meat to attract certain flies. 这种话能释放一种类似腐肉的臭气以引诱某些昆虫。
- the stench of rotting meat 腐肉的恶臭.
- The stench of evil is strong here. 这儿邪恶的臭味很浓。
- And the stench of terror drifts on a bitter wind. 当恐惧的气息飘荡在微风中。
- the rank stench of rotting meat 腐肉的臭味.
- The stench of the rotten fish is fearful. 烂鱼的臭味太难闻了。
- Meadows shall be covered with blood, foul stench of rotting flesh! 冰冷的武器应该在这阴郁的秋夜唱起它那无情冷血的歌。
- The stench of treachery hung in the air. 到处都是可耻的叛变的气息。
- The stench of the rotton fish is fearful. 烂鱼的臭味太难闻了。
- I gagged on the stench of stale urine. 尿臊味让我想吐。
- Except for the odd scrap of rotting meat (mainly among car-parts makers and airlines) they have had little to sink their talons into. 除了一些残羹冷炙(主要是些汽车制造商和航空公司),他们可以染指的近乎没有。
- Here I am dirty,smelly,with no "proper" under-wear onwith the stench of my rotting teeth near you. 你问我什么是贫穷?听着。现在我就在你旁边,脏兮兮,臭烘烘,没有“合适的”内衣裤可穿,满口烂牙散发着臭味。
- There is a loathsome smell of rotting flesh in the room. 房间里有一股令人难受的腐肉的臭味。
- Rick stood transfixed, breathing the stench of singed fur. 瑞克看呆了,呼吸着皮毛烧焦的恶臭味道。
- The stench of cordite and clouds of smoke hung over the hollow. 炸药的恶臭和爆炸硝烟笼罩着山谷。”
- The stench of the battlefield spread for miles around. 战场上的臭气在周围绵延好几里。
- the repellent smell of rotting meat 腐肉的难闻气味
- The stench of decay choked anyone who came within a mile of its shores. 腐烂的恶臭令任何走近湖畔一英里的人都感到窒息。
- I inhaled the stench of death, and the barbaric, calculated cruelty. 当我闻到死亡恶臭,见识了野蛮、蓄意的残暴行为。
- Ants scurried around the pile of rotting food. 蚂蚁围着那堆腐烂的食物跑来跑去。