- He prayed to God night and day to endue him with the spirit of holiness. 他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。
- He get the job because he show the spirit of enterprise. 他因为表现出进取精神,所以得到了这份工作。
- What the weapon show is the spirit of art the murderous look of fight against enemy.The justice and the evil influence only come from the eidolon of world~~~Human being. 兵器所展示出的是艺术的神韵与临敌的杀气,正气与邪气只能来自与万物之精灵~~~人。
- Chapter 2: The Game of Text.The author probes the spirit of art implied in the "game of text" from the viewpoints of narrative style, parody narration and metafiction narration. 从故事讲述方式和叙述人称的游戏、对古老文本的戏仿和元小说写作探讨这种文本的游戏中隐含着的艺术精神。
- He entered into the spirit of the game. 他融入了这场比赛的气氛中。
- He came to the party, but didn't really enter into the spirit of it. 他前来参加聚会,但是并没有真正与大伙儿一起欢度时光。
- It is inconsistent with the spirit of the age. 这和时代精神不相符。
- I caught the spirit of the occasion. 我受到当时的气氛的感染。
- Enjoying the elegance of life in the spirit of art, experiencing the naivete of art in the gentler life is the immanent connotation consisting in the poetical thought of everyone, and the beautiful legend existing in every house tale. 在艺术的灵性中享受生活的情致,在生活的优雅中体验艺术的纯真,是我们每个诗性思维的内在寓意,也是每个家居童话的美丽传奇。
- "Style"not only means the formal characteristics of art,but also implies the aesthetically mental structures, the spirit of the times and the social orientadon of cultural values to a certain degree. “文体”不仅意指艺术的形式特征,而且隐含着一定的审美心理结构、时代精神和社会的文化价值取向。
- His ideas are in tune with the spirit of his age. 他的思想符合他那年纪的精神面貌。
- I was beginning to feel the spirit of the occasion. 我开始感受到现场的气氛。
- You can spark the spirit of enterprise. 你们可以激发事业上的进取心。
- He had challenged the spirit of the Indian earth. 他触犯了印度这块土地的精神。
- The spirit of our people is splendid. 我们人民的情绪十分高昂。
- The contestants agreed to observe the spirit of fair play in all of the games. 选手们赞同在所有的比赛中遵循公平竞赛的原则。
- He was endowed with the spirit of self-sacrifice. 他富有自我牺牲精神。
- The action goes counter to the spirit of democracy. 这一行动是与民主精神背道而驰的。
- In the spirit of the gift,I take it. 我接受这份厚赠。
- The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. 龙就是魔鬼,他尽力设法叫我们犯上帝的诫命,轻视预言之灵所传来耶稣的见证。