- We were particularly successful in carrying out the socialist transformation. 我们最成功的是社会主义改造。
- The same is true in the socialist transformation of agriculture and in all other fields of our endeavour as well. 像农业社会主义改造,以及其他各个方面,都有这个问题。
- The socialist transformation of private industry and commerce was directed against capitalism. 私营工商业的社会主义改造,是对付资本主义的。
- Secondly, the method we are using in the socialist transformation of agriculture is one of step-by-step advance. 第二、我们在农业社会主义改造方面采取了逐步前进的办法。
- China's democratic parties have a glorious history in the democratic revolution and they also performed notable services during the socialist transformation. 我国各民主党派在民主革命中有过光荣的历史,在社会主义改造中也作了重要的贡献。
- As a result,we succeeded in abolishing the bourgeoisie and carrying out the socialist transformation without affecting the national economy. 所以中国消灭资产阶级,搞社会主义改造,非常顺利,整个国民经济没有受任何影响。
- At present, these differences manifest themselves chiefly on the question of the socialist transformation of agriculture, or agricultural co-operation. 这种不同意见,在目前,主要地表现在关于农业的社会主义改造即农业合作化的问题上。
- During the first eight years after the founding of New China we carried out the socialist transformation of ownership of the means of production and set up some basic industries. 建国后的头八年,我们进行了社会主义改造,建立了一些基础工业。
- We did that pretty well and consequently, after entering the cities, we were able to rehabilitate the economy very quickly and then to accomplish the socialist transformation. 那一次我们学得不坏,进城以后,很快恢复了经济,成功地完成了社会主义改造。
- As a result, we succeeded in abolishing the bourgeoisie and carrying out the socialist transformation without affecting the national economy. 所以中国消灭资产阶级,搞社会主义改造,非常顺利,整个国民经济没有受任何影响。
- After the completion of the socialist transformation,there was indeed a force -- a trend of thought -- in the country that was bourgeois in nature and opposed to socialism. 三大改造完成以后,确实有一股势力、一股思潮是反社会主义的,是资产阶级性质的。
- We did that pretty well and consequently,after entering the cities,we were able to rehabilitate the economy very quickly and then to accomplish the socialist transformation. 那一次我们学得不坏,进城以后,很快恢复了经济,成功地完成了社会主义改造。
- The socialist transformation of agriculture, which was designed to abolish the private ownership of small producers, was by its nature also directed against capitalism. 农业的社会主义改造,是要废除小生产私有制,就它的性质来说,也是对付资本主义的。
- The Socialist candidate was heckled continuously. 社会党候选人不断受到诘问。
- In this comment, he opposed Comrade Mao Tsetung's line on the socialist transformation of agriculture, maligning it as an "erroneous, dangerous and utopian notion of agrarian socialism". 刘少奇在批语中,反对毛泽东同志关于农业社会主义改造的路线,把它污蔑为“错误的、危险的、空想的农业社会主义思想”。
- Our successful completion of the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce is one of the most brilliant victories in the history of socialism in China and indeed in the world. 我国资本主义工商业社会主义改造的胜利完成,是我国和世界社会主义历史上最光辉的胜利之一。
- As of last year,when we basically completed the socialist transformation of agriculture,handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce,we fulfilled our revolutionary tasks by and large. 从去年农业、手工业和资本主义工商业的社会主义改造基本完成时起,革命的任务也就基本上完成了。
- The socialist transformation of the private ownership of the means of production was completed,the system of exploitation of man by man eliminated and the socialist system established. 生产资料私有制的社会主义改造已经完成,人剥削人的制度已经消灭,社会主义制度已经确立。
- This organization espouses the socialist philosophy. 这个组织支持社会主义哲学。
- The socialist transformation of the private ownership of the means of production was completed, the system of exploitation of man by man eliminated and the socialist system established. 生产资料私有制的社会主义改造已经完成,人剥削人的制度已经消灭,社会主义制度已经确立。