- For a long time we neglected the development of the productive forces of the socialist society. 我们在一个长时期里忽视了发展社会主义社会的生产力。
- According to Marx and Engels'opinion, there would not be politics in the socialist society. 马克思恩格斯设想社会主义社会不存在政治问题。
- In the construction of the socialist society, it is comrade Deng Xiaoping who applied perfectly the SDAT. 在社会主义社会建设中,运用系统动态管理思维最杰出的人才是邓小平同志。
- Harmonious Society is our human being's ideal and the important sign of the high development of the socialist society. 摘要和谐社会是人类社会孜孜以求的理想,是社会主义社会高度发展的重要标志。
- Chairman Mao proposed that,“The socialist society is a quite long historical stage. 毛主席提出:“社会主义社会是一个相当长的历史阶段。
- We will constantly advance the all-round development of human beings based on a higher level of the material and spiritual civilization of the socialist society. 我们要在发展社会主义社会物质文明和精神文明的基础上,不断推进人的全面发展。
- The deep understanding of the nature of the construction of socialist modernization is of vital importance to the development of the socialist society. 摘要对社会主义现代化建设本质的深刻认识,对于社会主义社会的发展有着非常重要的意义。
- At the same time, the author analyzes the asynchrony between political partieipation and political democracy in the socialist society. 在此基础上,也对社会主义社会出现的政治参与与政治民主不同步现象进行了探析。
- Socialist harmonious society and rule by law have homogeneity nature, and they are all inevitable choices of the socialist society. 摘要社会主义和谐社会和社会主义法治具有同质性,它们都是社会主义社会的必然选择。
- To construct the socialist core value system is the essence of constructing advanced culture and is the lifeline for the development of socialist society. 构建社会主义核心价值体系是先进文化建设的根本,是社会主义社会发展进步的"生命线"。
- Fairness and justice are the socialist core values, the value objectives of socialist practices and the guidelines for constructing a harmonious socialist society. 公平正义是社会主义最核心的价值追求,是社会主义实践的价值目标,是构建社会主义和谐社会的价值准则。
- The Socialist candidate was heckled continuously. 社会党候选人不断受到诘问。
- The chief criterion for making that judgement should be whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society,increases the overall strength of the socialist state and raises living standards. 判断的标准,应该主要看是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力,是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平。
- In the effort to build a socialist society that is ideologically and culturally advanced and to promote the socialist cause as a whole,and particularly during the present period of change,they are charged with the heavy responsibility of educating people. 在当前这个转变时期,在社会主义精神文明建设和整个社会主义建设事业中,他们在思想教育方面的责任尤其重大。
- Practice shows that these two principles, once adhered to properly, will effectively protect the human rights of the believers, maintain state sovereignty and help the religions to adapt to the socialist society. 实践证明,坚持这两条原则,就能够切实保障信教群众的人权,就能够真正维护国家的主权,就能够积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应。
- The chief criterion for making that judgement should be whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society, increases the overall strength of the socialist state and raises living standards. 判断的标准,应该主要看是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力,是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平。
- This organization espouses the socialist philosophy. 这个组织支持社会主义哲学。
- Managing the religious affairs in conformity with legal provisions is that protect legality, put an end to illegality and guide that the religion should be suited the socialist society. 依法管理宗教事务就是保护合法,制止非法,抵制渗透,打击犯罪,引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应。
- The Socialist candidate has been well primed with facts by the Party headquarters. 社会党的候选人已由该党总部供给了充足的事实材料。
- In the socialistic society that envisages in Marx only, ability realizes single distribution according to work. 只有在马克思设想的社会主义社会里 ,才能实现单一的按劳分配。