- Promise: To make students useful, parents relieved, and the social public satisfied. 承诺:让学生成才,让家长放心,让社会满意。
- On rural education in some of the social practice and a range of social public welfare activities. 开展一些关于农村教育的社会实践活动和一系列的社会公益性活动。
- Widely gathers the social public to participation, has the very strong fraudulence. 广泛招揽社会公众参与,具有很强的欺骗性。
- The theory of governance affirms the pluralization of manager in the social public business, opposing the single managing situation of the government. 摘要随著治理理论的兴起,在西方国家人们开始重新思考高等教育的管理问题,并尝试著在学校与政府、社会之间以及学校内部建立多方合作的关系。
- Fluid population does contributive for economy development, at the same time, also brought the social public order biggest pressure. 流动人口在为经济发展做出贡献的同时,也给社会治安带来了极大压力。
- But from the perspective of human-nature's development, the inexpugnability of crime and the social public's benefits, the "sub-moral" has the rationality to exist. 但是从人性的多元性、犯罪的不可根除性及社会公众利益来看,“次道德”存在有其合理性。
- At the same time of being successful in acting and art in China, Song Zuying also take part in the social public commonweal and charity activities actively. 奥运会在北京鸟巢、水立方、奥运村等等地方如火如荼之时,我完成预计的拍摄任务后,就率领家人钻进这个寂静无比,却也不乏殊异景致的地方。
- He didn't want to be tied down to the social work. 他不想被束缚在社会工作上。
- The state asset drains creates the social public interest to suffer from significant harm, because our country lacks this aspect of procedural legislation, only if has the direct formidable sponsor to sue, otherwise the legal procedure is unable to start. 虽然国有资产的流失造成社会公共利益受到重大损害,由于我国缺乏这方面的程序性立法,除非有直接利害关系人起诉,否则诉讼程序无法启动。
- Fifthly, as to the social public funds distribution, I suggest setting up unattached distribution commission subject to Ministry of Finance in charge of social public funds distribution. 第五,针对目前的公益金分配结构,提出国家成立专门的彩票公益金分配机构直接隶属于国家财政部,在地方成立地方公益金分配机构隶属于地方财政部门。
- The social order of ants is very interesting. 蚂蚁的社会结构非常有趣。
- Through process and so on imagination, combination and creation, sublimates the advertisement object latent realistic attribute the embodiment which can feel for the social public. 通过想象、组合和创造等过程,将广告对象的潜在现实属性升华为社会公众所能感受到的具象。
- She swindled 1000 out of the Social Security. 她骗得了 1000 英镑社会保险金。
- Radicals seeking to overthrow the social order. 企图扰乱社会次序的激进分子
- Under special circumstances, based on the need of the social public interests, equity joint ventures may be expropriated under legal procedures and against appropriate compensation. 在特殊情况下,根据社会公共利益的需要,对合营企业可以依照法律程序实行征收,并给予相应的补偿。
- George stayed out of the social life of the school. 乔治置身于该校社交生活之外。
- His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct. 他的行为违背了社会行为的道德准则。
- The social class constituted by peasants. 农民阶级由农民构成的社会阶级
- Living in sin is no longer the social stigma it once was. 现在同居不再象过去那样被认为是一种社会的耻辱行为。
- In today's China where lacks law belief, it is urgent to cultivate the social publics legal belief to achieve power restriction. 在缺失法律信仰的当今中国,迫在眉睫的是培养社会公众的法律信仰,从而实现权力制约。