- Drawn by the smell of bacon frying, they shivered all the way to the kitchen, the only warm room in the house, where they dressed for school. 受煎熏肉香味的诱惑,加上厨房是家里唯一暖和的房间,所以他们会一路哆嗦着来到厨房,穿好衣服准备上学。
- the smell of bacon frying 煎熏咸肉的气味
- The air was reeking with the smell of tobacco. 空气中弥漫着烟草的气味。
- The dog was attracted by the smell of the meat. 狗受到肉味的引诱。
- Scarlett could banish heartbreak but not hunger and each morning as she lay half asleep, before memory brought back to her mind war and hunger, she curled drowsily expecting the sweet smells of bacon frying and rolls baking. 思嘉能够忘记伤心事,可就是忘不了饥饿,以致每天早晨半睡半醒地躺在床上,当记忆还没有把战争和饥饿带回她心上时,她会蜷在那里迷迷糊糊地等待着煎腊肉和烤卷子的香味。
- The smell of the flowers calls up my childhood. 这些花香使我回忆起了我的孩提时代。
- The smell of camphor makes me sick. 樟脑的味道使我感到恶心。
- The smell of these flowers brings back memories. 这些花的香味引起我对往事的回忆。
- The room where Suellen and Carreen lay mumbling and tossing on the same bed stank vilely with the smell of the twisted rag burning in a saucer of bacon fat, which provided the only light. 苏伦和卡琳的房间里晚上点着的唯一灯光,是在一碟子腊肉油里放根布条做的,因此充满一股很难闻的气味。 她俩躺在一张床上,有时辗转反侧,有时喁喁细语。
- The room where Suellen and Carreen lay mumbling and tossing on the same bed stank vilely with the smell of the twisted rag burning in a saucer of bacon fat , which provided the only light. 苏伦和卡琳的房间里晚上点着的唯一灯光,是在一碟子腊肉油里放根布条做的,因此充满一股很难闻的气味。她俩躺在一张床上,有时辗转反侧,有时喁喁细语。
- I don't like the smell of lavender. 我不喜欢熏衣草的香味。
- The smell of onions clings, doesn't it? 洋葱的味道一直都不散,是吗?
- The smell of the fish disgusted me. 鱼腥气使我作呕。
- The smell of cooking permeates (through) the flat. 整套房间都弥漫着做菜的气味。
- The smell of baked apple pies pervaded the house. 房子里弥漫着烤苹果馅饼的香味。
- The smell of baked apples pervaded the house. 房子里弥漫著烤苹果的香味。
- The smell of garlic filled the kitchen. 厨房里弥漫着大蒜味道。
- The smell of seaweed took him back to his childhood. 海草的气味使他回想起童年时代。
- The smell of cooking told them there was a meal in the offing. 他们闻到做菜的味儿,知道眼看要吃饭了。
- The smell of frying ham hit me as I opened the door. 我一开门一股炸火腿的香味就朝我袭来。