- He moved out into the slanting sunlight on the commons. 他出了马厩,来到阳光斜洒的院落。
- He caught himself hurrying across the dells in the slanting sunlight, praying for the security of the undergrowth again. 这时,他就会急匆匆穿过小山谷,来到斜斜倾洒的阳光下,祈求着自己能再遇到一片矮树丛,可以安全藏身。
- In the slanting sunlight, Wen Xiang only saw gray and black ahead of him.There were craters everywhere.Every crater dragged a half-circle of shadow with it, making it look like a barren anthill. 在阳光斜照下,眼前尽是一片灰黑,陨石坑谷纵横,一个个拖曳著半圆的阴影,有如峦荒遍布的蚁冢。
- A slanting sunlight dappled the grass. 斜阳把草地照得斑斑驳驳。
- She has an unusually attractive oval face and green eyes set slightly on the slant. 她有着一张非常迷人的瓜子脸和一对眼梢儿有点斜的绿眼睛。
- The slanting moon under the sea mist is to hide. 斜月沉沉藏海雾
- the slanting sunlight 斜晖
- In the morning when I wake up, three squares of slanting sunlight land into my tiny house. 早上我起来的时候,小屋里射进两三方斜斜的太阳。
- It was easier to see the slant of the fish line. 钓丝的斜度也比较明显。
- Cut the flower stems on the slant. 把花茎斜着切断。
- The table is on the slant of the hill. 这所旧房子 落在小山的斜坡上。
- Faults : Rump a little on the slant. 缺点:略微倾斜的臀部。
- The gold was glinting in the sunlight. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光。
- The slanting rays of the sun aureoled the television tower. 斜射的阳光以光轮环抱电视塔。
- Had blanketed the slanting directions beneath visions' dim husks. 将倾斜的方位裹在恍恍惚惚的视觉的荚中。
- The slant of the line showed he was swimming at a lesser depth. 钓索的斜度说明它正在较浅的地方游着。
- The lawn was checkered with sunlight and shade. 草坪上光影交错成方格图案。
- The dust on the shelf show up in the sunlight. 在阳光照射下能看见架子上有灰尘。
- His face agleam in the sunlight. 他的脸在阳光下发光。
- He could not see by the slant of the line that the fish was circling. 他根据钓索的斜度还看不出鱼在打转。