- The long and the short of it is that he's lazy. 概括来说,他是个懒惰的人。
- the short and the long of it the long and the short of it
- The long and the short of the matter,you are wrong. 总而言之,你错了。
- You can look on the front page of the paper for the long and the short of it. 你可以看看第一页上的梗概
- The short and medium term trends are bearish and the long term remains bullish. 尽管长期趋势向上,目前短期和中期趋势仍然看跌。
- The long and the short of it is, he wanted to use your bike for a day or two, but was too shy to say so. 总之, 他是想借你的自行车用一两天, 不过就是不好意思开口。
- The long and the short of the matter is that the man is no teacher. 总之,这个人没有教书的天才。
- We had a lot of trouble with the car and traffic,and the long and the short of it is we were six hours late arriving there. 我们的车和交通都遇到了很多麻烦。总之,我们晚了6个小时到达那里。
- We had a lot of trouble with the car and traffic, and the long and the short of it is we were six hours late arriving there. 我们的车和交通都遇到了很多麻烦。总之,我们晚了6个小时到达那里。
- The short and the fat woman are their servants . 那个矮女人和那个胖女人是他们的佣人。
- The long and the short of it is, I cannot stand being with her any longer so I will end it. 它的概要是,我再也不能容忍她,因此我会将它结束。
- Conclusion The older and the longer of menostasis,... 结论年龄越大,绝经年限越长,恶性肿瘤发生率越高。
- Compare the short vowel in 'full' and the long vowel in 'fool'. 比较 full 中的短元音和 fool 中的长元音。
- The short day was spent, and the long night had closed in. 短短的白昼已经过去,漫长的黑夜降临了。
- The long and the short of the matter is that the man is no actor. 总的来说,这人决不是什么好演员。
- The long and the short of the matter, you are wrong. 总而言之,你错了。
- The long and the short of what I have said is these. 我所说的归纳起来就是这些。
- the short and long of it 要旨; 概略
- She considered all the hows and the whys of it. 她考虑了做这件事的所有方法和理由。
- Tell me the when and the why (=reason) of it. 请告诉我时间和原因。