- the sentiment of romantic love 浪漫的恋爱感情
- The statue embodies the sentiment of the sculptor?. 这座雕像具体表现出雕刻家的情感。
- The statue embodies the sentiment of the sculptor. 这座雕像具体表现出雕刻家的情感。
- Neediness is so common that we think it’s a sign of romantic love. 需求如此普遍以至于我们认为她是浪漫爱情的一个迹象。
- Marriage is the result and extense of romantic love. 婚姻是爱的结果与延续。
- "Small things affect light minds" was the sentiment of a great master of the passion of love. “细微的事打动轻快的心”,这是一位恋爱大师的体会。
- Jose Mourinho echoed the sentiments of his captain. 穆里尼奥对队长观点表示认同。
- Surely only the most jaded and damaged would challenge the orthodoxy of romantic love. 当然,只有那些最厌倦和最受伤害的女士们才会挑战浪漫爱情的正统。
- High school graduation ideal gradually began to change, want to become a vagabond, away from home, wandering the pursuit of romantic love, the pursuit of unfettered life. 高中毕业时理想又渐渐改变,想成为一个流浪汉,远离家乡,到处流浪,追求浪漫的爱情,追求无拘无束的生活。
- Behind this lay the sentiment of isolationism and a desire for peace. 在这背后,藏着孤立主义和希望和平的心理。
- Staying within a committed relationship has become a choice that requires us to constantly reexamine its value in light of, among other issues, the presence of romantic love. 除却其他问题,携手到老已经成为一种选项,需要我们不断地、以浪漫爱情的眼光重新审视已有关系存在的价值。
- You must be talking about a later stage of romantic love because that metaphor is entirely off target when it's very early love that we're talking about. 这个比喻比较适合浪漫爱情的后期阶段,但是针对我们现在正在讨论的前期阶段的爱情,这个比喻是偏离目标的。
- Its artistic beauty is everlasting not merely because Shakespeare succeeds in depicting a heart-quaking tragedy of romantic love but because he uses some unique images. 其艺术魅力之所以经久不衰,不仅在于它成功地描写了一出极具震撼力的浪漫爱情悲剧,更在于它运用了独特丰富的意象。
- I owe the sentiment debt is because of you! 我所欠下的情债都是因为你一个人!
- Expressiveness: based on the singer's ability to convey the feeling and the sentiment of the song to the audience. 歌曲表现力:评定歌手对演唱曲目的表达能力。
- The islands call for every kind of romantic couple. 群岛召唤着每一对浪漫的夫妇。
- Make the person generates the sentiment of be agitated impulse, mind inquietude. 使人产生烦躁冲动的情绪,心神不宁。
- After reviewing the evidence, one modern scholar has noted the absence of most of the problems which afflict today's American wives, such as low self esteem and lack of romantic love in marriage. 一位现代学者在回顾这段历史时,注意到当时的妇女并没有今日美国妻子面临的大部分问题,诸如缺乏自尊心和婚姻中没有浪漫的爱等。
- Mother country as the heavyest counterweight on the sentiment of scale. Career is the longest in the life. 在感情的天平上,祖国的砝码最重;在人生的旅途中,事业的道路最长。
- Previous research suggested that the first stages of romantic love, a rollercoaster ride of mood swings and obsessions that psychologists call limerence, start to fade within 15 months. 太阳位于处女座的人,思虑周全,非常谦虚,谨慎保守,很有耐心,擅长分析,凡事要求做到尽善尽美,是个完美主义者。