- the seam to seal up 接缝密封
- Remember to seal up the hole in the larger mould with mould seal. 记得用模子封条把大模子上的洞封起来。
- Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices. 一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。
- Lisa ran her forefinger along the seam of her duffel bag, its microfield sealing up behind as if she had touched it with a magic wand. 丽莎的食指在帆布包的开口上缓缓划过。微场密封条仿佛在魔棒的指挥下随着手指上下滑动。她费力的提起了背包,嘴里轻轻的哼了一声。
- The port drug administration shall adopt mandatory administrative measures to seal up and detain all the drugs. 口岸药品监督管理局应当对已进口的全部药品采取查封、扣押的行政强制措施。
- It shall adopt mandatory measures to seal up and detain all the drugs in time, and shall make a decision of administrative handling within 7 days. 应当及时采取对全部药品予以查封、扣押的行政强制措施,并在7日内作出行政处理决定。
- The tip of the iron should be slid under the seam to prevent any seam impressions on the right side. 为了防止正在正面留下缝的压痕,熨斗尖应在缝份正面滑动。
- To seal up or detain the products which may possibly have serious quality problems and to make decisions on disposal thereof within the specified time limit. 封存或者扣押可能有严重质量问题的产品,并在规定的时限内作出处理决定。
- The suit is sewn up along the seam by hand. 这套衣服是手工缝的。
- Stitch the fabric wrong sides together and press the seam to one side. Trim away 0.6cm (1/4 inch) of the inner seam allowance. 把织物的反面合在一起缉缝;然后将缝朝一边熨烫并剪掉0.;6cm (1/4英寸)里层缝份。
- We seal up the windows when winter comes . 冬天来临时,我们密封窗户。
- Quietly turns the head,The day from refers to in the seam to pass,Pure has not certainly written on the paper,But is engraves in the life each annual ring. 对于爱情,我没有过多的浪漫的期待,只渴望一份真爱,一种真诚的相对,一个爱我的人。我很随缘,那么,你是我的缘分吗?
- She forgot to seal her letter before mailing it. 她忘记在寄信前将信封上。
- In the course of paying money to the creditor,the Court is empowered to seal up ,distrain the debtor's property in case the debtor fails to make money payments within the designated time limit. 虽然在金钱债权的执行中,法院可以查封、扣押债务人的财产并通过拍卖等变价方式强制债务人清偿债务,但世界各国都对查封、扣押的财产范围进行了一定限制,以避免债务人的生产和生活陷入困境,确保社会安宁。
- It did not seem to occur to the police to seal off the entrance or order nobody to leave. 警察似乎没有想到应封锁各入口处或命令任何人不得离开。
- The seam of the coat was pulled. 外套上的线缝被撕开了。
- Don't worry, you only ripped the seam. 别担心,只弄破了线缝而已。
- Also the problem seamed to become more frequent. 同时,似乎经常出 现此问题。
- They tried to seal his lips with a bribe. 他们企图以贿赂封住他的嘴。