- Idleness is the root of all evil. 懒惰乃万恶之源。
- The root of the big tree trends to edge away the corner stone. 这棵大树的根可能会把墙角石顶走。
- If you want to lead a quiet life, you must lay the axe to the root of the evil. 如果你想过安宁的日子,就得根除这种恶行。
- His article failed to get to the root of the issue. 他的文章未能触及问题的实质。
- The dog was snuffling around the roots of a tree. 那条狗在树根处嗅来嗅去。
- You should strike at the root of the evil. 你应该根除弊病。
- The root of this plant, eaten as a vegetable. 芜菁根这种植物的根,作为蔬菜食用
- Our aim is to strike at the root of the custom. 我们的目的是要根除这一习俗。
- He had the root of the matter in himself. 他自己掌握了这一问题的根蒂。
- He's at the root of this business. 这件事的祸根是他。
- The young man stumbled over the root of a tree. 这个年青人绊到树根上摔倒了。
- Why, you should search to the root of it? 怎么,你应该寻根究底呀。
- Approach the Root of Inconsistence in Sound Field and Correcting Counter -Measures 关于声区不统一的根源及纠正对策的探讨
- We have to get to the root of the problem. 我们必须找到问题的根源。
- It is said that money is the root of all evil. 据说金钱是万恶之源。
- Navigate to the root of the device. 导航到设备的根目录。
- The root of all phenomena is your mind. 心是万象之源。
- The root of the object hierarchy. 对象层次结构的根。
- The roots of woody plants grow deep. 木本植物的根茎长得很深。
- Inordinate desireis at the root of all evils. 无节制的欲望是一切罪恶的根源。