- She regretted the rigidity of her upbringing. 她不喜欢严苛的家教。
- The rigidity of the metal caused it to crack. 这金属因刚度强而产生裂纹.
- To reduce the rigidity of;soften. 使柔软减少坚硬度;使柔软
- You can measure the rigidity of blade by machine. 可以用硬度仪实测一下剑刃的硬度。
- These boundry conditions include the link ways between beam and piers, the rigidity of the rubber plinths,the locations of piers that are consolidated onto beam,and the rigidity of abutment. 这些边界工况包括梁、墩(台)连接方式、主梁与桥墩用橡胶支座连接时,其横桥向剪切刚度的大小、边固结墩的位置和桥台刚度的大小。
- Antimony adds to the rigidity of the casting. 锑能增加铸件的硬度。
- To reduce the rigidity of; soften. 使柔软减少坚硬度;使柔软
- He deplored the rigidity of her views. 他痛感她的观点僵化.
- the rigidity of pier 主墩刚度
- The rigidity of death had seized upon him between those four planks. 在那四块木板里,关节已和死人一样硬化了。
- The amount of force needed is inversely proportional to the rigidity of the material. 需要的力度与材料的硬度成反比。
- The rigid formality of the place suffocated her. 这个地方呆板的礼节压制着她。
- The effect of axial load series of train and the distribution of load by the rigidity of track of support is noticed. 注意到了列车轴向载荷的影响以及由于支撑轨道的刚性引起的载荷分布。
- It examines the rigidity of Japanese society by focusing on a typical suburban working father and his two young sons. 电影通过一个典型的在郊区工作的父亲和他的两个儿子审视了日本社会的死板僵化。
- As the vanguard of worker class, the rigidity of C.C.P.'s Ideology is the dictatorship of the proletariat. 中共作为工人阶级的先锋队,其意识形态中的刚性维度便是无产阶级专政。
- The rigidity of pedagogical academy,being unable to keep pace with times,is the main reason of pedagogical crisis. 教育学本身理论的僵化,不能与时俱进,是教育学面临危机的主要原因。
- The liberals were trying to break free from the rigidity of a system that had become dogma after Froebel's death. 自由主义者试著打破在福禄贝尔死后已成为呆板僵硬的教育方式。
- The rigidity of the exchange-rate regime gets in the way of policies that might temper these forces. 面对这种局面,由于钉住美元汇率制的刚性,海湾国家无法采取能够缓和价格上涨动力的政策。
- The extended direction of microcrack also affectd the rigidity of the trabecular bone. 骨小梁的刚度与裂纹的方向也有密切关系。